@ThAdEa82 @eLLiptiX ... I'm not talking about a development group or any sort of production team. I am talking about the series as a whole. Of corse I know the difference when talking about which team brought us what game.
You don't see me pointing out Halo's change in teams or who brought what to the table since Bungie left the title to 343.. I'm more interested in the series' evolution.
It's a comforting thing to hear 'innovation' with the CoD series. I'm interested to see what they bring, and will fairly leave skepticism until the reviews have been made.
Who knows? Maybe we will get what GoldenEye brought to the N64 on launch in the modern age? I encourage to keep the hopes up, and to put a bit of faith in people who know how to design, implement, and utilize creativity in a game.
Fair comparison: CoD4 brought the most addictive multiplayer nearly a decade ago that is still the basis for FPSs to this day. Think of the tech being brought to the table now with next Gen consoles.. fan boys or not of any system.. we are soon to reach the next step in gaming. Give the titles a shot!
@Zevvion @Sohereiam I'd say don't disrespect the belief.. don't disrespect the person.. think of it. If it was a Jewish ceremony in question the equivalent type of bantering would be "stupid Jew.. why do you believe that?" Then you're labeled as an Anti-Semetic.. pretty hot news today.. just ask Mel Gibson how it is treating him.
Leave it be and move on.. ignorance in it's definition is thinking you are always right over anyone else's logic or opinion no matter what topic.. to me that is the most disgusting thing.
The game was art.. people will always be offended by it, but just let them be offended and don't fan the flame.
@mboettcher @Celiria_Rose @Heshertonfist I can think of several denominations that openly practice baptisms.. Hell.. before churches even HAD denominations, John the mother Fkin Baptist.. baptised Jesus.
Catholics baptize infants..
Church of Christ baptize on remittance of sins..
Methodists baptizse with a league of instrumental melodies once you're brought out of the water..
Episcopalians practice close to what Catholics do.. except they seclude from the TV more..
In fact the prodominant church that speaks out against baptism is the Borean Bible study church..
Baptists are just one branch? .. please.. please research and know what you are talking about before you openly criticize or comment about beliefs..
@mr_azim @mboettcher the method of practice described in the game is no where near as close to what the King James Bible describes as a sacrement between your forgiveness of sins and Jesus's acceptance into your heart as a belief that he is your savior.
Yea I played the game.. Yes I too believe in baptism.. and no I did not play this character with the mindset that I was "Him".. this is the difference.
Don't fault the religion.. don't fault the game.. just fault how easily people get offended, and shake your head at the concept of lack of apathy when it comes to art.... please.
You mean we are getting a remake of quite possibly the most thought provoking and challenging games from the Genesis/SNES era which kept me glued to the tv throughout my childhood?? thank you.. whoever you are that thought this was a good idea.. thank you. .... I swear I am not being sarcastic.
@dannyodwyer Would you recommend it for Playstation Move users? Given this is a platform title, it appears the Playstation version is offering a bit more as far as substance is concerned with the Move capabilities.
I don't ask this from a fanboy standpoint as I own all types of systems, I just appreciate the extra bang for my buck.
eLLiptiX's comments