[QUOTE="MoonSpoon"]That still doesn't answer the question of why she is holding the scissors towards her tongue besides the fact that she is mentally retarded.Hinata237
So just because of that one picture you assume that she's mentally retarded? obviously, if i had a picture of me mastur****** over a lion would you think i liked animal pron?
[QUOTE="Solid_Snake325"]No one gives a crap if you're sick of the emo hate, grow up, most people hate them, and complaining about it just makes us hate them worse. Why the hell would anyone respect depressed losers who cut themselves and who look extremely unattractive.Hinata237
Not every single scene person cuts themselves :roll: then there not scene
Emo and scene kids are usally the ones who laugh at gay people in the in primary school, but most emos kiss boys and deny that there gay - these are the types i hate.
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