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Here come's Peter Cottontail...

hopping down the bunny trail,
hippity hoppity Peter's on his way.

Ok. Haha.
I just want to say...


I hope you all had a good day, filled with chocolate bunnies (no, not real bunnies) and candy and more candy. :D


I was bored.

I saw the little question thing on wegie's blog. I'm bored, and no one is on, so I decided to tell you my answers.

1. What time is it? 8:45 pm
2. Name: Emily (or Em, if you like)
3. What are you most afraid of? Being shot, stabbed, tortured, or rapped. Or a combination of all of them.
4. What do you drive? My mom's car.
5. Have you ever seen a ghost? No.
6. Where were you born? In a hospital in the United States
7. Ever been to Alaska ? No, too cold
8. Have you ever been toilet papering rolling in decorating trees? Yes. Quite fun actually (if you hate the person)
9. Croutons or Bacon bits ?  Neither would be nice.
10. Favorite day of the week: Tuesday (because of House) and Sunday. So actually that's two days. Whatever.
11. Favorite restaurant: I'd like to say Friggen Chicken, but I didn't like the chicken... I guess I'll have to say Las Palmas.
12. Favorite Flower: Roses Pretty
13. Favorite sport to watch: Football Or volleyball (if they EVER have it on TV).
14. Favorite Drink: I have to agree with what wegie said and say Orange Juice. It rocks.
15. Favorite Ice cream: Chocolate
16. Disney or Warner Brothers: Disney
17. Favorite fast food restaurant: McDonalds. Good burgers
18. What color is your bedroom carpet? Uhm, tan.
19. How many times you failed your driver's test? NONE, considering the fact that I haven't taken one.
20. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail from? My friend, Rebecca.
21. Last person you spoke to on the phone? My friend, Rebecca.
22. Bedtime: When I'm tired.
23. Who will copy this the quickest? No one 
24. Who is the person least likely to copy? I'd have to say, everyone.
25. Who is the person(s) that you are most curious to see their responses? Uhm...I don't know.
26. Favorite TV show: House
27. Ford or Chevy? Mercedes
28. What are you listening to right now? The closing of a car door....the sound it makes when you lock it....the opening of the back door...."JUST ME!!!" (Mom)
29.  What are your favorite colors? Blue and Light blue and green
30.  How many tattoos do you have? None to speak of
31.  Do you have any pets? 1 dog (holly) 1 cat (Kittie [how original of a name eh?]) and 6 kittens (we are not keeping them all. We're not cat people)
32. There is no 32 what happened to it? It died.
33. Favorite snake/comfort food? Chocolate ice cream. Yum
34. Last vacation destination: Houston
35. Oprah or Ellen? Ellen

Well, there you go. 35 useless facts about me.

I missed it!

I am an idiot. I forgot to press the play button so that I could tape House.

I'm so mad! And sad! At the same time!! :(

I was having a JOLLY GOOD DAY until about 10 minutes ago. (Not to say that I don't think about House alot, because I do, but...) I had a lot of things on my mind and I just forgot. Totally forgot.

I wait 3 WEEKS and for what!? To miss it!!!

If anyone knows any place on the internet where I can watch it, please let me know!

Thank you,

HI. Welcome to Friggen Chicken.

Well. WOW. I went to this fast food restaurant today called "Friggen Chicken." I could not stop laughing. Here's what happened :

I drive up...

Guy in Intercom : Welcome to Friggen Chicken. How may I take your FRIGGEN order?

I laugh. (By the sound of his voice you could tell he was having a bad day.)

Me : I'd like a number 2 with a Dr. Pepper.

Guy in Intercom : Your total is $4.45. Drive up to the first FRIGGEN window.

I laugh again because I think that guy saying friggen is the funniest thing EVER.

I drive up to the window, and pull out a $5 bill.

Me : Here you go. (small laugh) 5 FRIGGEN dollars for you!

I start busting out laughing. The guy looks at me like I'm crazy.

Guy (not on the intercom any more) : 15 cents is your FRIGGEN change. Drive up to the next FRIGGEN window.

He hands me the change, then I give him an evil smile.

Me : Say FRIGGEN one more time! Or I won't drive up!!

The guy gets annoyed.


I start laughing then drive to the next window.

The woman at the next window gives me my food, and I drive off.

Ok. I only wrote this because I was bored and I thought it was funny...Yep.

Running, crying, and OWW brain freeze!

Just a little blog about me, about the present me, the crazy, confused me. You don't have to read it, I just wanted to write it. Writing is good.

(If you decided to read on) Ok, by the title you may think "Geez, this girl is messed up!", but really I'm not. My life is just a little hectic right now. School is literally taking up all my time, projects/homework/class, BLAH! I'm tired of it! :(

When things aren't going right, I usually get a little angry :oops:. So, I tried to find a way to vent my anger and to think about everything that is going on in my crazy life, so I asked one of my guy friends what to do. He said "Run." And I said, "Run where?" "Anywhere. That's the whole idea. Just run. Run till you can't run anymore." At that point I had a 'are you crazy!' expression on my face, so he said, "OHH! And make sure you have a way back home!" :D So he isn't so dumb after all!

So I ran. I ran really far. Boy did I have some thinking to do! Some people in cars gave me a 'what are you doing' look while I passed them, but I really didn't care. It felt good to run.

Ok, back to school. This is where the crying comes in. Last week was the worst week of all. HUGE tests, 3 new projects (due tomorrow, Wednesday, and Thursday), and more more MORE studying. I haven't slept for the last 2 nights, still trying to finish all of my projects. Coffee hasn't done much for me either. Actually, I've decided I don't like coffee. Coffee = EW. Because I haven't slept, I had a mood-swing day today. I cried almost all day. I'm not really sad, I just cried. And cried some more. At one point (Yes, I was talking to myself) I said, "Why are you crying!?" And then I cried some more because I had no idea why I was crying.

Ok. I think I'm done with the sad. On with the happy! :)

After I was done crying, I decided to get some ice cream. So I went to the store and bought some delicious vanilla ice cream. On the way out, I found some M&Ms (chocolaty goodness) and went back and bought those too. I went home, and started to eat the ice cream. But something wasn't right, something was missing. OHH, MY M&MS. I put the M&Ms IN the ice cream and ate it. Heaven. Boy was it good! And since I have been running lately, I don't care if I gained a pound today! :) Ok, to get to the point, I got a major brain freeze. Oww. But I didn't mind, I was too busy eating ice cream.

Ok, I think I'm done.

:) Emily


Tomorrow is just a normal day.

I keep getting the idea that House comes on tomorrow. I've done this for the past two weeks now. I don't like breaks - they make me lose my mind.

I can't wait until next week. Then, I can get back to normal - running around all day thinking "House comes on tonight!", making sure I have nothing to do when it comes on, and being over-excited 20 minutes before it airs. Ahh, the good ole days!

Tomorrow is...

Mardi Gras! :)

Here's some background info for all who don't know what Mardi Gras is :

The first recorded Mardi Gras parade was in 1827 in New Orleans, but a wealthy man named Bernard Marigny made it a yearly festival in 1833. The term 'Mardi Gras' is french for "Fat Tuesday." (When I went up to the northern United States, where they do not celebrate Mardi Gras, people pronounced it with the 's' on the end. It is not Mardi GraSS. It is pronounced more like 'Graw' like in Tim McGraw's name. [Just to let you know :wink:]) Mardi Gras is celebrated on the day before Ash Wednesday. This year Ash Wednesday falls on February 21, making Mardi Gras the 20 (which is tomorrow). Although the day of Mardi Gras is on the 20, there are many parades before that day. There are many different types of parades, with all different names (most of the names are "Krewe of ___", but not all of them.) During the parade, the people on the floats throw beads to you. People crowd around the floats (they think that the closer you are the more beads you get, but most of the time the people on the floats throw the beads to the people in the back, just to see if they can throw it right to you.) You catch one, and put it around your neck. Sooner or later that one bead will turn into many beads, and you'll find that your neck gets pretty heavy with all those beads around them. Floats don't only throw beads. They throw stuffed animals for little kids, plastic cups (usually with the name of the parade on them), and t-shirts (once again, with the name of the parade on them). The thing I like most about Mardi Gras is the MUSIC. Mardi Gras music is the best. It has a jazzy tune to it (remember, New Orleans was where the first parade was, and  New Orleans is king of jazz). I think my favorite song is the "Mardi Gras Mambo". :) Mardi Gras has three main colors : purple, green, and gold. I don't know why, to tell you the truth. (If you know why, please PM me. I've always wondered why.) All I know is that when you go to a parade, it is filled with purple, green, and gold.

Ok. I think that's it. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. Now I get to tell you what I did for Mardi Gras :

I went down to New Orleans, and the cities surrounding it, and went to as many parades as I could go to. It was very fun, and I came home with trash bags full of beads. I have no idea what I'll do with them. I don't see why some parts of the United States don't celebrate Mardi Gras. It's really a very fun holiday.

I've been celebrating Mardi Gras for as long as I can remember. When I was little, though, we didn't go to New Orleans for parades. We'd go to the ones around where we lived. We still do, actually. :)

I hope everyone has a Happy Mardi Gras!

When one door closes, wait, where's the other door!?

Warning : may be boring. Please do not complete your reading if your 'bored level' has gone from a 1 to a 10. Thank you.

Well, lately, my luck has failed me. It made me think of the saying : "When one door closes, another door opens." But what happens when there is no 'other door'. What if there's no window you can escape out of either?

Ok. To tell you of my problem (which may seem minor to you, but to me, it's major. Very major :( ) :

I play volleyball, which is a very hard sport to master. Like my coach says, "Volleyball is a game of fault. It is not how good the other team is playing, it is how bad you are. You decide if you are going to win the game or not." Although my coach is pretty known for having teams be undefeated, this sounded like crap to me. If I could decide if my team won or not, I would pick win, but that is not always how it goes.

I play for a club team (a traveling, tournament team). I travel all around the United States with the other girls on my team. In our club team, there are two seperate teams : the A team (being the better team) and the B team (being the lesser team). Last Friday I was moved from the A team to the B team. Ouch! That hurt. (Not to brag..) I am the best on the B team. I am not good enough for the A team, but I am too good for the B team. Where do I belong!?

The coach of the A team (who said the quote two paragraphs above) saw me play on the B team last weekend. I did horrible. I was fine until I saw her watching. I could feel her judging me (if that's possible), seeing if I was good enough to be moved up to the A team again. So, hope is lost. I will never be moved up to the A team again.

At least that's what I thought. Until I heard a song on the radio called Stand by Rascal Flatts. Here is what I heard (which is the chorus of the song) :

Cause when push comes to shove
You taste what you're made of
You might bend, till you break
Cause it's all you can take
On your knees you look up
Decide you've had enough
You get mad, you get strong
Wipe your hands shake it off
Then you stand
Then you stand

Ok. So, I decided not to be so mad at myself. It didn't help me to get better to beat myself up (not literally) for not doing my greatest at the tournament. There are many more tournaments.

Rascal Flatts - thank you for writing that song! :)

My Birthday!

It is my birthday (well, not for some of you, but here it still is.)!!


Ok. That's all. (wow, short entry).

A spoiler-free Emily! Also, Stop the bickering!

Ok. Since none of you understand what the topic's title means, I shall explain :
Because of my laziness, I've made one post about two different topics. I split them up, though.

A spoiler-free Emily!

I have decided to stay spoiler-free! That way, spoilers won't SPOIL anything for me. I don't really go to a website to read them, I just read the ones that are posted here on the House board.

Why read spoilers, anyway? It's like knowing about your surprise party before it happens. It takes the fun out of it! You can't even call it a 'surprise' party, anymore. It's just a plain  party, now.

I guess people read spoilers because they are tired of waiting for the episode to air. Also, because the promos get you all excited and you just can't wait.

Either way, I'm staying SPOILER-FREE. I am avoiding all usage of the words 'spoil' and 'spoiler'.

Stop the bickering!

Is it just me or is there always arguing going on? In almost every thread there is arguing. Usually it's because one person thinks they know everything (that may not always be the case.) That person decides to fight against the many people who disagree.  What's the point of that? You're just pissing people off! And if you're not pissing people off, you're annoying them to death!

Sometimes it's about stupid things, too. It can vary from shipper-wars (OH PLEASE. Let those stop. Those are the worst of all fights!) to grammer usage. (Wow. Grammer usage is the stupidest thing to fight about.)

Anyway, fighting is pointless. You are entitled to your opinion, but fighting about it is silly. Absolutely silly. Childish silly. There is a way to disagree with someone without starting an argument.

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