The EB close to me put's price stickers right on the game and all over the box and you cant get them off without ripping the box all up or leaving gunk all over the cartridge.
This was the first result: Theres a list of 14 different stores who have it in stock.
FF5 would probably be the only final fantasy game i would buy, I like the others but I've allready beat all of them tons of times on the nes and snes. I've played 6 so many times i never want to see it again.
1 hour of cut and paste, 1/2 hour of finding free webspace, you basterds better enjoy my craptastic collage.
And this is the box i store them in. Plus i bought pokemon Fire Red this afternoon. My gbm just finshed charging so i'm going to go stare at a 2 inch screen for the next 12 hours.
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