So much for focusing on hardcore gamers this gen.Seems like their more focused on dazzling the casual.
I'd like to think the market is based on supply and demand...Even if its something we don't demand, then we need to just #deal with it.
" yeah we hate to see all the PS4 games being FPS or action-adventure or very photorealistic."Bet chur ass!! Its about time somebody said that shit.
I got a 50mbps connection, which comes to find out.... holds no ground against a tornado.Needless to say, I had no internet for 4 months. Even when it finally came back on, had a very shoddy connection for another year or so.
@Deadly_Nemesis @Printul_Noptii Castlevania, Sonic, Street fighter imo......some games are just better in 2D.
@MinerAvatar I just think its funny how all the UK dorks are all butthurt over Bank of America not getting damn hilarious!
@Slammer612 Yeah, I'd have ta say MS's offense is looking pretty shitty next year.Who knows, the 2 may merge together.
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