@Coco_pierrot I wouldn't believe everything you see on TV dude.Our hamburgers kill allot more than our guns.
I'm just glad I'm not as naive as the rest of you drones.EA....needs....money! ....that's the reality of it. EA is a company, not a single person with a viewpoint, and as a company they exist to make bank.This public stunt is just a way to null the effects of being voted one of the wost companies in the US.
Ha, got to love it. Wonder how many "gamers" voted him in?A CA senator, chosen from among the people to speak for the people....is now telling us to STFU.
Its been my experience that people in their hunderds are usually not your "go to guy" when it comes to video game or electronic ethics.
Huh, 500 million cash.....to research violence?...Can't they just buy a book that goes over the history of the human race?
@Suikogaiden @MW2ismygame Dude...Why are you guys bringing politics into this?Can't you see this discussion is already dedicated to coming up with fat jokes...
@barleybosh @DoubleR_Boss Yeah dude, someone call the cops!I've just been offended by his sexual defending.
If anything...MMO's were probably preoccupying their time AWAY from offending people sexually.Now they got all this free time on their hands...
Sad thing is...because of Guild Wars 2...I never even cared to play any of the other games on the list.
@LJMStrike I agree. I only like the happy wars where everyone gets to live.Which has yet to happen in all human history.
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