Glad to see their back in business, and they have some talent left over.
....and yeah, I get everybody's mad at 'em for the on disc DLC...
...but personally, I don't care if they break into my grandma's house and rape long as their making kick ass games.....I'll buy the hell out of 'em!
...but supply and demand is a simple premise. I will purchase what I demand.
For instance, when the new Dark Souls DLC comes out....I will buy it, and love the hell out of it.....regardless if I'm hurting the feelings of a bunch of pansies in this spoiled gaming generation.
Regardless of the love fest in here for these guys...
...I personally don't feel used. If a game is great, why the hell not drop a couple extra bucks on some added content, even if its already on the disc.
Most games I play are roughly 100-200hrs of solid gameplay that I wouldn't trade for anything.
edant79's comments