@aretilda:I don't see Americans paying over 2 bucks for a bottle with only 4% alcohol. Only pansies from the UK are accustomed to that.
@fiskamat4: Not true, we collect hard drives filled with pirated pc games. None of which we ever play.
Even more interested in the story now. Neil ain't fukin around.Must be pretty good to make highly paid pansies walk off, and join a terrorist organization like EA.
What a shame.....would've been a one of a kind masterpiece.Curious as to what kind of easter eggs Kojima would've hid in a game like this.
@shinrae5:The addictive grindy game play is the only reason I play these games.I unfortunately have to skip the story, because the cheesiness conflicts with my manly 18 inch penis.
@RYAN_121: I think the fault ultimately lies with MS.It was up to them to warn Plat that western audiences would never click with a "dude/bro" wearing muffs.
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