@coaltango Did you just listen to the video? It says and other websites have confirmed as have Ubisoft that the trademark thing was not them. Someone pretending to be Ubisoft filed for the removal of the trademark but obviously they can't just do that so it didn't work.
Well they got the attention of poorly informed news sites at least.
Not very newbie friendly. recommend new people to read the wiki. As people are confusing not understanding the game with the game not being good.
The cosmetic items at the bottom stop you from going insane. explore first then build a central base. Worm Holes are not hostile creatures they are a form of quick travel. Use them.
Pick 12 flowers and build the flower hat. Your sanity will then increase during the day time.
Birds will drop seeds. Grab them so you "don't starve". (do cook them).
carrots are amaze. grab them all.
If you find a stick with an eye on it, grab it. There is a creature that follows you around that is also a chest. He follows the eye stick not you. You can keep him somewhere by dropping the stick. like your base. Craft a backpack. Walking sticks are good.
eddieham13's comments