if you sign up early and get points at a slow paste but manage to get it around april then are you guarrente the prizes or is it for who ever gets the points the fastest?BeNOwNzi kno it's a day late, but to answer your question, it's first come-first serve. i havent got one point, but im hoping blobkbuxter carries king kong and when i buy mlb n def jam that'll help me.
eddy5791's forum posts
Host advantage is where two people both snipe each other in the face at EXACTLY the same time. The host will win. THAT is host advantage. Getting your ass handed to you 10 rounds to 2 is NOT host advantage. Quit whining.Ninja-Voxyea but dont lie cuz i kno you have at least complaiend once or twice bcuz in a shotgun battle you get taken out in one shot. gears host IS a little too insane, but nonetheless beatable.
2k6 was horrible and it makes me not want to waste money on 2k7.zeldafan00013IMO it all depends if you're a big fan of baseball. i love baseball,so this is an automatic must-have. and on a plus-side, about 4-5 of my friends r getting it too who happen to love baseball too lol
they seem pretty reasonable. i wonder what the secret achievements are though. im sure that the strikeout ones i can get with the Euephus pitch like i did in 2K6 :P
OK, I am trying to join mky friends match, yet, It say " Could not connect to host" or something like that. They are online,there are open slots, It is a Player Match other people joined... Why is this happening? Xbox360gamer1releax. first off it's not a huge problem. it's happened to me. i sill dont know why, but you can get over it since it will go back to normal. try resetting your 360. if not chill and wait for a bit.
[QUOTE="II-FBIsniper-II"][QUOTE="eddy5791"][QUOTE="gintheplacetobe"]It's over-rated because I lost all interest to play it after less then 3 weeks. The multiplayer is extremely repetitive... and how many times can you go throught the campaign before that gets boring? eddy5791Name a game where MP DOES NOT GET REPETITIVE AT ALL. One where i can spend 6 months playing non-stop and always do something new.There isn't! and virtually every game's campaign gets boring. take halo 2. nobody even mentions its campaign unless it's to speuclate about Halo 3. and just bcuz you lost interest in it it's overrated? open your eyes buddy you got a lot to learn Acutally I played Halo 2 for 2 years before I got bored of it. exactly. thats the point i was trying to get across. all games get repetitive, it's just how fun the game can be. i kno it sorta sounds like im contradicting myself to my previous post but im not lol. this dude says its too repetitive but like i said, that's where originality kicks in. and gears has PLENTY of that. and i mentioned campaign of Halo 2, not multiplayer. and by repetitive i also meant a game where it's new every single time. halo 2 it's the same thing all the time but the gameplay dynamics in MP is what has made it such a great game. Same with gears. probably even funner.
[QUOTE="eddy5791"][QUOTE="gintheplacetobe"]It's over-rated because I lost all interest to play it after less then 3 weeks. The multiplayer is extremely repetitive... and how many times can you go throught the campaign before that gets boring? II-FBIsniper-IIName a game where MP DOES NOT GET REPETITIVE AT ALL. One where i can spend 6 months playing non-stop and always do something new.There isn't! and virtually every game's campaign gets boring. take halo 2. nobody even mentions its campaign unless it's to speuclate about Halo 3. and just bcuz you lost interest in it it's overrated? open your eyes buddy you got a lot to learn Acutally I played Halo 2 for 2 years before I got bored of it. exactly. thats the point i was trying to get across. all games get repetitive, it's just how fun the game can be. i kno it sorta sounds like im contradicting myself to my previous post but im not lol. this dude says its too repetitive but like i said, that's where originality kicks in. and gears has PLENTY of that.
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