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Hey! News!

Hey, everyone!

I've been pretty busy lately, so sorry for the lack of posts. Things have been pretty hectic around here, so I haven't been playing as many games past my review content. I did, however, reactivate my Lord of the Rings Online account on Saturday, after that free play week we had a while back. I'm surely more into the game now, and since I bought the Moria expansion a while back, I'm going to have a free month's worth of playing time to try to get to that content with my dwarf champion, who's currently sitting on level 20. I've also been trying to pickup the remaining achievements in Mass Effect, but it's turning out to be a pain in the nether regions, so I don't think I'll hit 1050/1050, but pretty close to it hopefully. Persona 4 is slowly, slowly creeping, I beat Rise's dungeon late the week before the last, and kind of left it untouched since then - should be getting back to it eventually, to try to keep up with GiantBomb's endurance run.

Also, I had the chance to try out the new Policenauts English translation patch that was released last week! Seems pretty flawless and well made so far, I'm really happy to get to play such a talked about Kojima game. Luckily I had a Japanese copy of the game lying around that a friend of mine lent me, to try out this patch.

As for reviews, you can find the following, as my latest at GameRevolution:

Madballs in: Baboo Invasion (Xbox 360)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: New Age of Heroes (Xbox 360/PS3)
Splosion Man (Xb0x 360)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Re-Shelled (Xbox 360)
Wallace and Gromit's Grand Adventures Episode Four: The Bogey Man (PC)

Added 09/03:

Shadow Complex (Xbox 360)
Trials HD (Xbox 360)

I should be getting review code for Wiiware's Tales of Monkey Island Episode Two today, as well as Red Faction Guerrilla soon. Red Faction will be my first payed review for GameRevolution, so keep an eye out for that! I'll be also taking the new DLC, Demons of the Badlands out for a spin, both reviews should be up soon, as well as my thoughts on Shadow Complex.

Have fun, everyone, and keep safe. :)