They wanted System Wars: The Website and they got it.
eggmcmuff's forum posts
Meh. This entire thread topic, with the premise on whether or not people could beat up the First Lady of the United States...with undertones of domestic violence mixed in...strikes me as being in bad taste. Caution is suggested in replies moving forward.nocoolnamejim
With all do respect to His Modship, the image of the average video game fanboy being throttled by the physically... um... formidable [pausing to place hand over heart with reverent moment of silence] First Lady of the United States strikes me as rather funny. And abdsurd.
Suggesting domestic violence is anywhere within a mile of this is a bit of a stretch, don't you think?
The real question here is: Could the President even take his beloved in, say, a [no sudden movements, egg] sanctioned MMA match?
I still say no.
I'm betting no.
Love the Demp
Is there an antenna or something I can get for my ps3 to improve the wireless connection?
For the third time, GET A NEW ROUTER
^Love the Demon's Souls sig. And you're right about the router.We're talking a minimum of six beers, here...
Actually, at one point I was inclined to agree with you, but now that a dozen or so demos and a couple huge game installs have gobbled up my 60 gigs, I get the idea of bigger being better.Whats the point of having that much space? For the 3 people in their basement that actually download that much crap?
Two things actually come to mind about why the big drives are coming into fashion. One is that exclusive DLC in the form of entire games is probably closer than the two full console generations most predict. The other is MMO's haven't really made their way onto consoles the way many have anticipated and one of the main culprits is the puny HDD's packed into these early-gen systems. Many, many features and apps are coming down the pike and 60, 80 or even 120 GB's aren't going to be able to store what's offered, even for those us who just play games.
All I ever do is blab about this game! Why din't you tell me you were a fan! ... Or did I just not pay attention?...If anyone has seen the recent footage of Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising for the Xbox 360, they would more than likely be impressed. I was pretty blown away by what I saw on German game site, Gamestar, and on Youtube. The playing field is huge, the graphics very nice, and the attention to detail was very impressive.
So, when a game is looking that good, and that promising, I have to wonder what the hell is going on with Codemasters not showing this off to the press. Particularly, the U.S. gaming press, since we're likely going to be the majority of buyers for this title. Is Codemasters lacking the funding for more advertisement for it? Do they not have enough confidence to let Gamespot, IGN, or any of the big sites do a full preview WITH gameplay footage? I don't count the recent preview here because zero gameplay was shown.
I'd just really like to know what the deal is on this game, because it's my most anticipated game of the year, and we've seen very little of it. A title with this much promise deserves better marketing than it's getting. If it sells poorly, we know what part of the problem will have been.
I think Bohemia and Codemasters have had a snit over their OFP divorce and Codemasters was content to let ARMA 2 go first (and get a good look at the competition) while they polished their own game to fine sheen. Just my two cents...
How awful for you:(! Hope you didn't strain a ligament clicking on the topic and I pray that some how, some way God sees his way to you getting those precious, precious thirty seconds back. Amen.Cryptic topic line, how did I know this was gonna be a waste of time? I wonder... :roll:
And I still have my 1000 series.
Thanks for your service. I bought a used, cheap one with a broken LCD. Ebay took care of that need and I've loved it ever since. I might upgrade if they come out with a Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker pack, but otherwise, it's a game machine and I'm not going to use it for much else.
My only gripe is that if I turn off a game and come back later, the screen can sometimes load with a frosted white glare. The only way to fix it is to back out to the main screen, turn it off/on and lose whatever unsaved progress I've made. Other than that, I love my 1000 and see no need to upgrade.
87 hoists The Cup in 16 seconds!
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