I am l00king f0r a new game right n0w. No mm0's th0ugh please. I just beat Crysis which was amazing. I d0n't think I can g0 back to an FPS that is t0tally linear after that. Crysis was just wicked 0n h0w much freed0m you c0uld have in sense 0f planning attacks and escape r0utes. In the past few m0nths I have als0 beat Fall0ut 3, W0rld in C0nflict, Amnesia, SWAT 4, and Mass Effect 2. I am really l00king f0rward t0 Diabl0 3 if it is ever released......... Skyrim and p0ssibly Guild Wars 2 (alth0ugh I didn't like the first 0ne t00 much) Thanks
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