Why make this expansion? Why not just make a full-blown sequel? I'm not playing this again after playing through the original five times. I like the new features, but it's the same thing again.
Does anyone else feel that Arkham Asylum was better than Arkham City? Arkham City was definitely bigger, but the exploration felt very GTA-inspired, way too many villains (sequel syndrome), and the story took too many liberties. I don't think that this game deserved a 6, but I didn't expect it to be highly innovative either.
It wouldn't take much to make a game better than the Force Unleashed. LucasArts made great games in the past, but their current record was pretty blah. I'm excited to see what EA can cook up. As long as using a lightsaber doesn't feel like I'm swinging a baseball bat I'm okay.
I did love Maniac Mansion, but the Force Unleashed was some special kind of crap. Swinging a lightsaber like a baseball bat, double jumping and air dashing like Dante, and force resistant robots was like spitting on Star Wars' legacy. Lucasarts didn't always do a great job.
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