The younger generation of gamers may not remember when FPS games first arrived, but the first time I got killed in Doom or Counterstrike, it was a pretty shocking experience. For all of you that are using the argument that "videogames don't affect me so it can't be the reason why people become violent," remember that not all people are the same. You may be fortunate to come from a good upbringing with no psychological issues, but I work at a pharmacy, and I see people that are really messed up. It's these same few people that can be heavily influenced by anything, including an interactive experience like videogames. Yes, violence is everywhere, but in a game, you are actually committing the violence. For the unstable, this could possibly be a trigger. Remember, it's not everyone that is going around shooting people. It's a few people with mental issues. We may never know what caused those issues, but we can't rule out that videogames had an influence.
@cowmilk99 You sound much more like the butthurt fanboy. How excited can one get about a new Smash Bros, new MarioKart, or a new Super Mario Bros? I believe Nintendo makes great games that are fun to play. I just don't want to play Super Mario Bros 24.
@megakick Research before you post. Deathstroke is a character created years before Deadpool. Slade Wilson inspired all of the weapons-based superheroes we see today.
I would admit that if I were 12 years old and my parents didn't control how much gaming I did, I would probably neglect school and whatever else to play games. Fortunately (or maybe unfortunately) my parents ruled over me with godlike power. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to make sure kids don't overdo it, but if both parents are working all day, what can they do? Anyway, six hours a day is hardly healthy. A fourth of your life gone like that. They should let up on weekends and vacations though. A little game marathon wouldn't hurt once in a while, just not everyday.
@rawsavon Um... jokes are meant to make people LAUGH, not mad or uncomfortable. I guess you're the only one who misunderstands the psychology of humor.
@alexLmx6 Hyundai is doing quite well, thank you very much. They learned from their mistakes, and are now making good automobiles. Maybe you should choose a company on the downfall.
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