Another reason why the Wiik U should appear under my Christmas tree, they've got two sweet bundles releasing this month, although, I barely have enough time in the day to devote to my PS4, but I've been hard up to play some Nintendo franchises, and with the Wiik U being backwards-compatible, there will be plenty of games to play as I had skipped the original Wiik's run and never got to play any of those Nintendo first-party exclusives either so I reckon the XB1 can wait till next fall when we might see a new Halo, but right now, I'm turning Japanese, I really think so...
I wouldn't mind a high-end gaming rig, but I'm perfectly happy being a console whore. I like putting a disc in and playing the game without all the highfalutin complications that come along with a lame-o PC. Plug and Play biatches, to hell with yer stinkin' keyboard and mouse ghetto rig. Give me a controller or give me death! But I guess I have no control since the cops took my fabled Microsoft Sidewinder Gamepad Pro just to prove a point! I want my damn controller back Jimbo!
I've been playing the PS4 version since launch, and I'd have to argue that other than the hacking gimmick, this game does little to separate itself from other open-world sandboxes. Also, the graphics are very generic for such a highly hyped game, and it's just not very fun. Wolfenstein's graphics on the other hand, are gorgeously gory.
And 360 soon too, 6v6 same maps, bro. I'd be willing to bet that the PS4 is capable of running TF. What makes you believe that only the XB1 is capable of running it? Most experts believe the PS4 has a slight edge over the XB1, are you an expert?
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