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10 Games I Want a Wii For...

(in order of most wanted)

1. Dead Space: Extraction

2. Tetsunoko vs. Capcom

3. Cursed Mountain

4. House of the Dead: Overkill

5. Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

6. No More Heroes (I or II)

7. Red Steel (I or II)

8. Deadly Creatures

9. Mad World

10.The Biggs II

10 Games I Want For My New PS3!

(in order of most wanted)

1. Heavy Rain

2. Killzone 2

3. Demon's Souls

4. The Last Guardian

5. MLB: The Show

6. ModNation Racers

7. InFamous

8. Motorstorm: Apocalypse

9. Resistance 2

10.Uncharted 2: Drake's Fortune

My Top 10 Most Anticipated Games for 2010

  1. Edge of Twilight - The main thing I look for in games, nowadays at least, is something new and fresh, and of course at the same time, well made. With so many great games slated to come out this year and with many arguing 2010 will be the greatest year in gaming history, Edge of Twilight is THE game that comes to mind most, to my own surprise even! What makes it so great?! Take a darker, edgier Zelda-like lead (gore like you've never seen before) who changes into alternate beings from night to day, thrown into two different but parallel lands, one an untamed wilderness, the other the first fully realized steampunk city in a game so far. Finally! Want more?! Check out the trailers right here on Gamespot. I definitely prefer in game footage as much as the next guy, and these scenes do contain some in game video mixed with, well, I won't spoil the rest. Just watch 'em!
  2. Fallout: New Vegas - I first fell in love with Bethesda's work with their monumental Oblivion, which led to my first purchase for my 360 and a new favorite developer. Since buying Fallout 3 a few days after it first released, I have put in over 220 hours on what has easily become my present favorite game of all time. With Bethesda handing the developmental reigns for NV over to rpg-trusted Obsidian (ex-Fallout 1 & 2, KOTOR II), the game couldn't be in better hands (unless of course they were Bethesda's).
  3. Dante's Inferno - Yes there has been a lot of talk about how DI looks and handles a lot like GOW, and yes, there are similarities; but what I am really excited about are what sets it apart from Kratos and the rest. For me, the biggest draw is the setting. Instead of staying land-locked for another Greece-based blood bath, I get to go underground (or is it?!) to the very depths of hell, each level representing a different type of sin, from Limbo to Treachery. 2nd, the story. Based a lot more on Roman Catholic ideology and less on myth, and given the challenge of rescuing my beloved from hell, with the added bonus of getting to kill Satan himself, I find the plot much more intriguing. Finally, it's Visceral people! If you loved Dead Space, you owe it to yourself to at least make it to The Lustful!
  4. Aliens vs. Predator - With mom still looking over my shoulder at the time the earlier iterations were released, I never got the chance to play any of the AVP games. I know, a tragedy, isn't it. And since I've been a fan of the Alien movies for a long time now (predators are ok too lol), I simply can't wait to finally be able to play as one! 3 different campaigns, 7 different multiplayer modes...! I'm in. Now if developer Rebellion can rise up from its recent shaky track record, then I can have my cake and eat some Marine too.
  5. Alpha Protocol - Working at GameStop, I see and hear a mind's full of previews for new games (the blessing and curse of GameStop TV). And when trailers were running mid last year for AP, at first I wasn't interested; it seemed like just another action adventure title. But then one word caught my attention, "RPG." Until then, the whole time our previews were playing, I was too busy to hear that one little word. Simple mistake, right. lol. After that, I came on here, watched the developer dairies and learned it's not just any 'ol action RPG but, again, something different, in an "Espionage RPG!" Now, it's about somehow waiting till the end of May.....
  6. Bioshock 2 - This mega release should be a lot higher on my list since the first one is my 3rd favorite game of all time! But with the mastermind behind the original - Ken Levine - not wanting on board for the sequel and its development turning out soo rocky (requesting Levine's help midway, 2 delays, and 4 additional development teams added on), my enthusiasm for a worthy return to Rapture pretty much drowned months ago. But it IS Bioshock and you'd think they couldn't mess up a game that big so my fingers are crossed but I am not holding my breath.
  7. Lost Planet 2 - I got into the LP world later on than most people - my first experience being the demo of 2. I was blown away by the sheer size of the enemy, the awesome weapons and the chance to go inside the beast was priceless. So I checked out the Colonies Edition of the original just late last year with the hopes of playing through it before the end of February, the release date at the time for the sequel. And while I didn't get too far into the campaign, I was amazed early on with the chilly atmosphere, fun combat and especially the unusual, colorful creatures that were all at once beautiful and almost inviting, but at the same time dangerous, whether in droves or "that is one big, motherfreakin alien bug!" Truely, the idea of having many of your non-boss enemies be almost as huge as the bosses themselves is another unique, great gameplay twist and one of the main draws for me as I look forward to a sequel of epic proportions.
  8. Metro 2033 - Personally, I can't get enough of the post-apocalyptic, especially in video games. And while I do owe most of that to Fallout, I also have the appetite for cities to go boom in other locations . Set in Russia and based on the book by the same name, Metro plummets you into the cold, icy remains of Moscow rather than the former's more dry, barren climate. Surviving underground in abandoned "metro" tunnels involves interacting with various makeshift communities and even economies, taking out urban Russia's own twist on mutants and eventually seeing what, if anything, is above ground. I'm definitely excited and doomsday is only a month away!
  9. Red Dead Redemption - With the first Red Dead, I fell in love initially with the multiplayer while playing my brother-in-law's copy when I'd be up visiting family . It was seriously the most fun, and funny, multiplayer I had played in a long time. It wasn't until I picked up a copy for myself that I delved into the campaign. And while it is lacking in a few areas, the same humor and raucous nature is abundant. So naturally, I'd be up for a sequel and when I found out it's going to be open world, well that just made that there rusty trigger finger perk right up.
  10. Split-Second - I've always been a racing game fan, though certain types more than others (oh no thanks. I'm allergic to Gran Turismo). Titles like Burnout, Dirt, and PGR thankfully sit better with me. So when I found out that SS mixes the shiny realism of a PGR with the destruction of Burnout, but on a much grander scale, I was ready to look at the lease. Top it off with the ability to make stuff fall on other stuff, and split-screen support and now I'm wanting the key!

Finish the Game!

(in approx. order of rental date)

- Silent Hill 3

- Resident Evil 4

- God of War

- Assassin's Creed

- F.E.A.R.

- Rise of the Argonauts

- Prince of Persia

- Lost Planet

Legend: red = def. finish, orange = maybe finish

Runner's Up

Runner's up to my Favorite Games of All-Time List...

11. Greg Hasting's Tournament Paintball Max'd (xbox)

12. Spyhunter (ARC)

13. Blades of Steel (NES)

14. Star Control (Amiga)

15. 1942 (ARC)

16. Axelay (SNES)

17. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men (xbox 360)

18. Final Fight (ARC)

19. Tecmo Bowl (NES)

20. Asteroids (Atari)

Happy Belated You're Amazing Bioshock

So, who cares if it came out over a year and a half ago; and who cares that it was such a huge hit when it released, because Bioshock my friends, in my humble opinion, is one of those games that will look like it's 25 when it's heading for the bargain bin nursing home of RetailLand. So I waited for the hype to die off (and because I couldn't afford a 360 for a while) but the experience was no less sweet; maybe, for me, for those other gamers who don't run out and buy the hot new game the moment it drops or a week later, or even a year later, maybe takin in a killer game after the noise has died down is just like seeing an unbelievable sunset in a remote location, without the distraction of cars whizzing by or planes clouding the view. Bear with my analogy, and I could ramble on about this topic for pages but I think you get the picture. So I wanted to put down just a few of my own thoughts about Bioshock as I finally finished it tonight, with a little help from my copilot, my wife. How to describe Bioshock? I must first say, it is the most amazing game visually I have ever seen. And one of the most amazing showcases of art in any medium for that matter. It doesn't take the cake on every aspect of graphics for me: the character modeling isn't in say Mass Effect's league, but for overall quality of graphics - second to none. The story was incredible, so many twists, especially towards the end. I've never ever played a game with a story as well-written as this one. And perhaps, nothing may top it in that category either. I also loved how gameplay-wise, it was a lot more than meets the eye, when you pop in the disc for the first time. All rolled up in one a FPS, a survival horror AND in some ways a RPG. The voice-acting was very impressive as was the disconcerting and moody music, though there could have been more of it. But yea, level design-wise, art direction...simply astounding and not just once. Almost every step I took, my jaw was dropping. Had you not been able to interact with the beauty in these levels or had they been conveyed in a different way, it would have been eye candy but bland-tasting. But the way they did it, the way Levine envisioned the world of Rapture, was more than enough for me to get sucked in and want to stay there.

10,000 Caps

So, needless to say, I have been playing A LOT of Fallout 3 since buying it Halloween weekend last year; though there was that weird, unique occurrence where I actually "put it away" for about 3 weeks, after the first couple plays. Prior to purchasing it, I had been playing a ton of Oblivion, and I figured, with a lot of similarities but also differences between the two games, mixed in with the initial shock (does it ever really go away!? ;)) of the harshness of the wastes, it just felt weird to play. But of course, after getting use to it, man, I am sooo glad I held on to this one! And so, after hitting the 10,000 cap milestone this last Saturday, I can't help but think back to that first very bright day out of 101 and laugh. To think I was discarding caps like trash. Geesh.

Favorite Games of All Time (2016 Q1 Edition)

No Caption Provided

I am a big list-maker. So I thought, what would be a better first post than to start a running list of my top 10 favorite games of all time!? Sure, it can be hard, even vary hard, to pick just 10 out of literally thousands of something, but I personally love the challenge of narrowing it all down and seeing what stands out most. I also understand the difficulty of making this list "all-time" with regards to some games losing at least part of their appeal due to technology improving. While the release date can play a factor here, I am pretty quick to include the aging and the ancient if those games sill evoke that same excitement that was felt when they were first played. So without further ado, here are my present picks. These are simply the games I love most.

1. Fallout 3 (Xbox 360)

2. Fallout: New Vegas (Xbox 360)

3. Bioshock (Xbox 360)

4. Shadow of the Colossus (PS2)

5. Borderlands 2 (Xbox 360)

6. Skyrim (Xbox 360)

7. Dead Space 3 (Xbox 360)

8. Dead Island (Xbox 360)

9. Mirror's Edge (xbox 360)

10. Thief (original) (PC)

Feel free to chime in with your own list. Has it changed a lot over the years or remained largely the same? And do you find it difficult or easy narrowing it down?

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