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Going On Holiday+ others

Hey guys,

I'm going on holiday to sunny Spain on saturday for 2 weeks, so i can't get back on gamespot til then.

Giant Bomb

So yeah i been trying it out the last few days and to be honest i dont like it. It just doesn't seem right so im going to just stick with gamespot :)

New games

I got:

New Super Mario bros (DS)


Mario Party DS (Ds of course).

I havn't played much of New super mario bros because im saving it for the holiday and Mario party Ds is one of the funnest game to play with friends and theres so much to do. I definatly recommend Mario party if you have friends or family members with a DS because you only need 1 copy of the game to play with up to 3 other players :D

Rock Band

Drum tour - expert - 14/45 (excluding bonus and dlc)

Guitar tour - expert 12/45 (Excluding bonus and dlc)

Vocal tour - easy 0/45 :P

Anyway Guys have a nice August speak to you guys at the end of month


Oh yes....

Hey guys

Havn't blogged in a while but i wanna try and get back into blogging mood :)

First of all, today i completed the drum solo tour on Rock band, this time on hard :D. It was really tough, and 'Run to the hills' was the most exercise i've done today :P. My brother kindly did the bass pedal while i hit all the pads and we got 75% on it, which i think was rubbish but i completed it.

Secondly, I got a new ds. Which is the ds lite 'guitar hero' ltd edition (which of course comes with Guitar hero: on tour). Its really sleek compared to the old ds and guitar hero on tour isn't as bad as i expected, sadly only 25 songs but there is some decent songs in there (not including Maroon 5 :S). I also orderd the 'new super mario bros' and 'mario party ds'. I played the new super mario bros before and i loved it, but i havn't played mario party ds, anyone else have it?

Guitar Hero DS bundle

See ya guys soon.

Long time no blog...

Hey guys,

Havn't blogged in a while so might as well :)

I bought Rock band against all my beliefs and i really love it :D The downloadble content is amazing and the multiplayer is superb. worth the wait though :)

The drums are really hard and the guitar is really easy so you can't win either way :P Though green grass and high tides is pretty extreme. And singing...well im terrible at singing and fail most songs on easy

If you see me on then feel free to invite me to game.

So what have you guys been playing recently?

Have a good week guys

Man i love this game!

Hey guys,

Yeah I got GTA IV without pre-ordering easily and its definatly worth all the hype and even the 10 gamespot gave it. It's by far the best game I've played this year, or Ever. I love the multiplayer, espically team deathmatch, even though I think free mode is a bit of a let down seeming you cant play mini - games or go to comedy clubs. The single player is really griping and it makes you feel as if you can do anything, well almost. Been playing it most of the afternoon and my xbox is starting to get hot so i've turned it off for a while.

Anyone here prefer the single player to the multiplayer on GTA? or for anyone who hasn't got the game do you prefer single player to multiplayer anyway?

Have a good week guys.

Image 7

One week.

Is how long we have to wait for GTA IV.

I really can't wait for this game like millions of other people :D Still can't get a pre-order the standard edition but i hope it will be like Halo 3 launch where you could just walk in and pick up a copy :)


Is what i have been playing most recently, Up to the last 2 tier of songs on hard difficulty and finding it pretty easy to be honest :)

Also been watching alot of south park on southparkzone.com. Absolutly hilarious :D

Nothin much else really, I guess im counting down to grand theft auto.

So are you guys going to get GTA IV on launch day, or going to wait a while and not bother?

Have a good week guys.

Another new emblem, Trade in and Gta pre-order problem.

Hello thar.

As the blog tells you i got a new emblem, being the xbox 360 Aficionado, and i'm pretty proud of it :D

Points Junkies.
Why buy games for any other platform when you can unlock 200-1000+ points on this platform? These devotees don't believe in ports or multiplatform titles, there is only one platform from which they can get their fix and their entertainment. The games may be 20+ years old, brand new, or online-only. Whether purchased with cash, credit, or the Microsoft Points (no, the other kind), they are just more points waiting to be harvested. These collectors' digits amount to a gamerscore that would make your grandmother weep with envy.

Traded in Orange box and Lego star wars : TCS, both because they have a high trade in value and because i've completed them both :) And because i need money to buy GTA: IV.

My mum bought a new game for me, being virtual tennis 3. Ive always been a fan of tennis and a bigger fan of virtual tennis :) Loved the Dreamcast one so i thought why not :) And not to my surprise its still is a great game :). Only downside is the multiplayer is way to hard, i looked at the leaderboards and none of the 6 friends that have virtual tennis have actually Won a game on multiplayer :(

And finally as i bought Virtual tennis, i asked the lady at the til if i could pre-order GTA so i could be sure of gettin it on the day, but unfortually they have stopped taking pre-orders because there dont know whether they will be able to have enough in stock. So now im on the waiting list for pre-orders on there website. Well im sure other shops will sell them if i cant get it from Game.

Have a good weekend :)


Well hello thar...

Twas a usual morning this Tuesduth Mornouth as i turned on my xboxuth 360uth console to check the updates. There was somethin aboututh Rock band on there. (ok i will stop with the ye old english now)

On the update it gave a release date for Europe which is May 23rd (Huzz-ah!).

I've been waiting for this game since it was announced for north america almost a year ago now.

Well i was really excited so i head over to gamespot to see what the pricing it (maybe expecting it too be about £110 - 130).

So there was a bit of news and then i read the pricing...

The Instrument Edition of Rock Band will be priced at £129.99 or €169, and will be a bundle of the three instruments--BUT NOT THE GAME. The game itself will be priced at £49.99 or €69.99, with wireless guitars going for £59.99 or €79.99 and the drum kits for £69.99 or €89.99 a la carte. So altogether £179.99. Wait thats the price of a nintendo wii!

So let me get this straight, this is almost double what the Americans have to pay..and we get what...9 terrible extra songs (excluding muse).

I really cant see this game selling for £180 and i doubt it will until the prices dropped.

Rant over :D

Back into guitar hero 3 and got a new achievement and A new one for Vegas 2.

Streaker10 Earn a 150 note streak in a Ranked Online Battle mode match

Extreme Hunter50 Complete all Terrorist Hunt missions on Realistic difficulty.

Well anyway see you guys later.

Is that VEGAS 2?!?

Is what I asked my bro this very morning. I got up about 11:30 walked upstairs too get somethin to eat, and saw my bro playing a game which looked to me, abit like Cod4 (I just woke up :p).

Apprently he got it this morning because he did his homework a few weeks early :o. Lucky ....

He also got this absolutly awesome faceplate of Vegas 2 FREE! because there were some spare left in our local game shop. Normally there about £10 by themselves so he was just lucky. (Picture below)

Well onto the game itself, I never played the original Rainbow 6 vegas, but heard it was close to the Ghost recon series which i liked alot. The Co-op campaign is really fun which is exactly the same as the single player, except with two players of course.

The graphics didn't impress me really, the cutscenes are amazing but there just the cutscenes. The cover system works really well in my opinion but the shooting through wall thing is no way near as good as call of duty 4's version

Now onto the multiplayer, 1-16 online, though i can only find servers with maximum 14, must just be me. But theres so many different modes it's great :) Favourite being the original team deathmatch which is just mayhem, another feature is Terrorist Hunt which is 4 players having a limited number of lives to kill a certain amount of enemys, which sounds a heck of alot harder than it seems.

I've played about 2 and a bit hours of iit today, and im sure this will keep me entertained until Gta comes out later this month, if not later.

Well have a good one guys,

Oh and If im on live be sure to invite me to your Vegas game if im online :)

Your favourite band?

Hey guys,

Just wonderin what your guys favourite band is at the moment?

Just name your band, and if you want the name of your favourite song of there's in the comment box :)

At the moment mine is Lostprophets, and there song last train home i love :D

Happy april fools day guys :)

2 emblems in 2 days.

Hey guys,

just blogging to say got 2 emblems in 2 days so pat on the back to me :)

New GTA trailer which just makes me want it more :D

Nothin much else, and have a good weekend all.