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elitedead Blog

Quick news....

Hey guys......

Got 7000 gamerpoints... meaning i got 1000 in just over a month woo....

I borrowed shivering isles, there no point buying it if a mates got it on disc....Just load it up and adds itself to the oblivion world, meaning that i just saved myself 20 quid :). Oh and i completed it..... And yes i do have too much Free time....

Borrowing Saints row..... Its not bad but is not as good as GTA IMO.

Borrowing the nimrod - Green day album from ma mate....and its really good :)

There was a Led zepplin concert last night at the 02 arena in London.... First time the band played together for 17 years :O.

Thanks for reading :)

New avatar.... level 9

Hey guys,

Got a new avatar, its based on my old dead rising one..... they really creep me out but they rock :D

Yep level 9 which rocks..I think im an Ikari Warrior :P sounds impressive.

I Got a new girlfriend (woo) whos really nice, and likes video games (cheers) she thinks she can own me at guitar hero 2..... I would like too see that :P

christmas time... got ramones t-shirt..

Hey guys,

I think this could be the best christmas yet for games and gadgets and random things. This Year im getting a drum kit, already got an ipod nano ( previous blog ), Guitar hero 3, assasins creed and tons of old punk and rock cd's, like sex pistols never mind the buzzcocks ( or bo**cks, cant remember :P) ramones, and guns 'n' roses. Im getting desperate for rock band.... its not goin to be realesed in the Uk till another few months or so andi need it :D

What you guy andgirlsgetting this christmas from whoever??

Anyway i got this awesome ramones T-shirt today which was like £10 in an old 70's store :) and it seems to fit perfectly on me, as if it was born to be worn :)

Favourite Ramones songs : Blitzkrieg bob and surfin birds :)

Thanks for reading

Sega dreamcast 2 !?!

Hey guy,

Im excited about this rumour about sega dreamcast 2.... even if it a rumour. I loved the original, graphics wise it was way ahead of its time and had a strong line up of games.... Sonic adventure, Quake 3, Crazy taxi, The original project gotham ( then called metropolis street racing :P)and phantasy star online :D. Sadly the ps2 overtook sales and dreamcast basically died. :(

I got my dreamcast about christmas 2002, and so glad my Dad bought it for me instead of a gamecube. So im really want sega to realese the dreamcast 2.

Did you like Guys/Girls like the sega dreamcast???

Thanks for reading, Elitedead

Level 8 :)

Hey guys, just realised i was level 8 and nearly lvl 9 now :)

Im just about to buy Knights of the nine, An expansion pack to one of my favourite games.. Elder scrolls Oblivion:)

Stayed after school today and jammed a bit more with ma mates... It was pretty fun, although one of ma mates could'nt be bothered to be bring his guitar in and instead used some cheap fender the school provides which kept bugging up :( Damn that fender to hell :D

Thx for reading :D

New Gta trailer

Hey guys...

Rockstar have just realesed the new gta trailer and may i say the game is on my number 1 list for games to get next year.

It wasrealesed about 15 minutesago ( the trailer) and itdoes look amazing.

Check it out here http://www.gta4.net/trailers/(the 3rd trailer)

More stuff.......

Completed oblivion :D 1000 gamerpoints and just over 100 hours spent on it :P. Now just need to buy the shivering isles :)

Plz comment when you have seen the trailer tell me what you thought of it :D

Anyways cya guys later.......

Xbox live updates......

Hey guys... Havn't blogged for a while :P

Anyway the new xbox live update is amazing.......

1. You can view other friends friends :P. Its awesome basically because i found about 20 new friends today (most of them are from my school.)

2. The xbox live originals, you can now buy fable, halo, and basically all the classic xbox games for about 1.200 points.... which is about a tenner... which is ok i suppose :D I think im goin to get the fable because i never got the opportuinity to play it on the original xbox :(

3. some kind of timer for over protective adults, whichi dont particulary care about :P

4. Flashy new dashboard. This basically makes it much nicer to look out, although it took me a while to find the demo section.

More news :P ..... Im half way through cod4 on ledgendary. For some reason nobody i have seen as the full 1000/1000 gamerpoints??

Hardest achievement ever....... Mile high club..... ouch :S took me about 3 hours.

Thx for reading :D

p.s thanks for my feedback on my simpsons review

6000 gamerpoints :D

Yay hit the 6000 gamerpoint mark :) which isn't too bad :P

Me and my mates are starting a band :P as soon as i can afford a drum kit that is :) We jammed for about an hour after school, Trying to make a perfect cover of green day's - Holiday. I can get the intro spot on but coming into the chorus it kinda mucks up :P

And I also heard that the editor of gamespot is leaving because of that kane and lynch review,which is a real shameas he was being honest, but we cant do anything about it, unless we all leave gamespot which im no way doing :P

Im trying to get the 300,000 score achievement in GH2. But im finding it difficult :P Im used to playing medium so any tips would help :P I've tried Free Bird but can only get 220,000 points, because i cant master the solo :P.

Thx for reading :)

Awesome day :]

Hey guys,

Had an awesome day today :P..... First of all im learning to play drums, so all of people who play drums, and some who play guitar got too miss 2 lessons today because we were learning to play some instruments to do with gamelan as a random off topic thing. The instruments are like from java and bali and all over Indonesia. Anyway we got tought how to play them :P and it sounded awesome. It took the class of about 20 to learn this classic Indonesian tune. It sounded terrible at 1st but then the head tutor made us work on it for an hour and we recorded it.The song we recordedl asted about 20 mins of non stop drums and people started shuffling around, as we have to sit on a pillow too play it :P Well it was good fun in the end and definatly worth missing 2 lessons over :D

And im now lvl 26 on cod4 :)maybe i play it too much :P

I got a new gamertag pic, its from dead rising but im not that far through the game yet. It reminds me of those little things mario stomps on :P. And it reminds me of The 'burger king'.

Anyway im still approching the 6000 point mark :) mite take another day or 2 :)

Cya guys later........

p.s a typical gamelan instrument :P

WOO cod4 :D

Hey guys i decided to trade in skate. and got cod4 :D its probs old news to most you guys but this game rocks :D Normaly i play through a game as soon as i get it, but it is quite long compared to most games with multiplayer so it will have to wait till tomorrow to complete it :D im rank 12 after a about 4 hours of playing on multiplayer, is that any good? I love playing as SAS :D All gilled up mission= most exciting so far :P On multiplayer i kept hiding in thebushes and sniping with the gille suit... i dont camp :roll: Anyway i gonna review it when i fully complete it :P oh and im near the 6000 gamerpoint mark :)

Thx for reading :D

Gillie suit --->

ps. Ive just written a review of the simpsons game. Plz tell me what you think about it :D link her --> http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/thesimpsons/player_review.html?id=522951