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elitepikachu913 Blog

2nd chance and battle

Hey guys if you have Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Heart Gold or Soul Silver it's Your Second chance to get a shiny Raikou till Feb 13th It is very cool to have one. I'm avilibe everyday to battle so you can ask me.

You guys think I'm down? Well I'm not!

Well I've been raising my Pokemon on Pokemon Soul Silver. Which I've been getting them to the top. They are pretty strong and tough. The Pokemon Beast lives!

I will be avilible to battle. Don't use Legendary or Hacked Pokemon when facing me!

Big break and more.

Well guys it's been awhile since I've been on here. I've been hearing that Smackdown making it's big move in October.

Well here something random that may make you laugh hard.

>.< Who would do that to the people.

Last of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl. (JP)

Hello everyone. If you live in Japan you know that you are down to the last episode. That last episode is called Memories are Pearl! Friendships are Diamond! I wish they made more for you guys. But for U.S.A we still got more episodes of Diamond and Pearl Sinnoh League Victors!

The Weakness for Ghost-Dark Type (Spiritomb and sableye)

Well I found out the weakness that none knows of the Ghost-Dark Type. That appears to be Fighting Type moves. All you need is a Kangaskhan that has the ability scrappy and teach it subsitute and focus punch and there you go, you kill Spiritomb and Sableye.

Hopefully This will help your team out to kill these two Ghost-Dark Types.

Any challngers out there wanna take a Elite four?

I'm still bored and there is no challenger to take me on?!?!?

Well I'll be look towerds to a Battle.

Here Is my Friend Code

Pokemon Soul Silver Friend Code: 2966-1065-4683


Singles Level 100.

No Legendary, Hacked or Uber Pokemon allowed.

You may have the same items.

You may not use Double team or Minimize, But you may use any move that can lower stats.

You can record this on Youtube if you want.

I may give out A shiny Pokemon, But you must defeat me to get a Shiny Pokemon.

I will need your Friend Codes on this blog to fight you It can be from Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Heart Gold, Soul Silver.

Have Fun and Enjoy Battling a Elite Four Pokemon and Metorid Union.

Anyone care to take on a Elite Four?

I'm so bored of this, Is there anyone out there want to take me on.

Pokemon Soul Silver Friend Code: 2966-1065-4683

I will be avalibe all day.

These are the following rules to my Battle


1.) You can not use any Hack, Uber, or Legendary Pokemon.

2.) You are allowed to use the same items.

3.) The battle rules must be Singles Level 100, No Doubles!

4.) You can record the battle on Youtube.

5.) Pokemon can not use Double team or Minimize, But you can use anything that can lower and higher the Pokemon.

So get those Pokemon Ready to battle a Elite Four of the Pokemon and Medtroid Union.

Have Fun!


Word from Pikachu

Pikachu: Well guys you may know that the P&MU (Pokemon and Metroid Union) needs help . But we need you to join us, So come on down to the P&MU and have fun. We will make you a Gym Leader. Name your Gym leader, Have any type of Pokemon (Except Legendary, Hacked and Ubers.)

So come in and enjoy the Union!

Yours Truely,


Graduated! (I've Spred my Wings and soared away.)

Well guys and girls I've Graduated from School. I've been able to spread my wings. They played this song at graduation. The Song is called I Believe I can fly. I like it! I wish they would played thanks for memories. So guys and girls meet the New Graduate. ElitePikachu913!!!!! Yours Truely: Elitepikachu913 P.S.: I hope you guys can spread your wings from School and Graduate.

Graduation Coming soon!

Is it here? Is it here? Of course it's coming soon, I shall be Graduating this year (June 4th 2010) I'm so excited that I will be Graduating. Goodbye School! Hello staying Home 24/7!!!!! I'm also having a Graduation Party (June 12th 2010) There will be fishing. :D . I hope I can catch a Big Catfish. That what I did 2 years ago. It was longer than my arms. :o That unbelieveable.


Need more Recuirts in P&KHU.

Okay Guys and Girls we are in need of more Recuirts in the P&KHU, The union looks like it's about to die on us. There are Pokemon Gym Leader spaces availbe in here and one more space for the Elite 4. So please join the P&KHU. WE NEED YOU THERE TO SUPPORT OUR UNION!

Yours Truely: ElitePikachu913 (Best of the Best)

The Winners Path and More.

Well guys there are many Courses like the Noisy Forest, But there is one champion way and that the Winners Path! Get the Winners Path now for your Pokewalker and Get pokemon like Beldum, Duskull, and Bonzor. Look at Pokemon that never knew these move Like Magikarp learn bounce. It's out now (Just Yesterday) I hope you recive this Pokewalker Gift from The Pokemon Co..


5 Gold Medalist

Well guys I was at Track today at 8:30, Which was a Windy Day. I was able to continue though I was able to get 5 Gold Medals, which was very good! I'm gonna go to State June 5th.



I'm so up to this Gradutation! This year I'm gonna Graduate from Northeastern High School (Which is in Wayne County). It will be on June 4th for me.

P.S. I hope you are Ready for this. But you better Prepare in the Pokemon & Kingdom Hearts Union for The 12 Gym Leaders and the Elite Four (Which I'm a Elite Four) So Join in the fun, At the Pokemon & Kingdom Hearts Union (P&KHU) and Get your game on! Move Out P&KHU!