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elitepikachu913 Blog

The Flying Pikachu! A must read blog.

Oh god this is cool! I got the Flying Pikachu! He's all mine! I've been able to get 11,000 steps but the requirements were 10,000 steps to get the Flying Pikachu. I hope you like this blog. Yours Truely: ElitePikachu913

The 30 Win Streak and 0 Lose Continues

Well It's been awhile. I've been battling alot of people and none defeat me. I'm on a roll to get the streak to continue up! I'm also been Shiny hunting since monthes past. I got a Shiny Magmortar, Shiny Machamp, Shiny Scizor, and a Shiny Electricbuzz.

I'm The Greatest Shiny Hunter! (A must read Blog)

Hey guys, I've not been doing this blog for awhile I've gotten a Total of 65 Shinies in all. I will tell you them all.

Shiny Pokemon:

Luxray TorkoalBulbasaur Gastrodon (Pink)RaichuSlowbroCacturne Gastrodon (Blue)

Pichu Hippowdon DusknoirBronzong


AggonAltariaPidgeot Milotic

MetagrossPelipper Lopunny Weavile

MukMagmar Rapidash Gyrados

Golem StantlerClaydol Drapion

VaporeonNoctowl Mew Mightyena

Flareon Venomoth Ho-ohSalamence

UmbreonBellossom StaraptorAriados

GlaceonSlakingNidoqueen Exeggutor

ScytherCamerupt Floatzel Pachirisu

Drifblim Tentacruel Bibarel

I hope you like them all.

P.S: I'm Awsome!

Agggh I hurt bad.

Well guys when I was playing Basketball at Taylor University I got Drilled right in the neck. It hurt really bad :cry: I just can't resiet the urge. But I'm glad I'm home.

Woohoo Snow!!!!!!!!!

You guessed right, I got a Snow Day! I got alot of snow, I had to help someone Yesterday due to they went off the roads. I hope you guys don't go off the road.

pikaa.gif pikachu pikachu pikachu image by xxxxxforgottenxxxxx

I always wanted to do that. :D that pikachu is awsome. I don't own the Pikachu.

pikaa.gif pikachu pikachu pikachu image by xxxxxforgottenxxxxx

When you get a Snow Day what do you do?

Happy Valentine's Day/ More Shiny's

Hey guys today is Valentine's Day so I was you a Happy Valentine's Day with Pikachu.

Happy_Valentines_Day_Tara_by_Lo_Gi_.gif Pikachu Click image by hyliandany

Happy Pika Valentine's Day.


Shine Out.

I know that I have not been doing this long.

Shiny List:

Shiny Floatzel

Shiny Nidoqueen

Shiny Pelipper

Shiny Machoke

Shiny Golem

Shiny Slaking

Shiny Gardevoir

Shiny Cacturne

Shiny Stantler

Shiny Ariados

Shiny Metagross

These are the Shinies I've caught from a long time.

When I didn't do this.

Dang more shinys/ Snow Day. A must read blog.


Hey guys I've been able to catch more shinies, This time I've caught 4.

While Traveling to Route 228 I've been able to encounter a shiny Beldum.

When I was in Valley Windworks I've encounter a Red Shellos.

Again in Valley Windworks I was able to catch the gold Buizel.

While in Valor Lakefront I come up against a Pink Nidorina


Snow Day

Woohoo I have no school today due to the snow. I always wanted a Snow day.

I hope you like the Shiny Blog here today.

Your's Truely:



Oh My God More Shiny Pokemon! A must read blog.

Hey guys wad up I've encountered more Shiny Pokemon so here they are.

I went into Acuity Lakefront and ran into a Pink Sneasel.

I traveled inRoute 206 and hit a Gold Kricketune.

I dropped by Valley Windworks and encountered a Pink Pachirisu.

I hope you enjoy this blog of Shiniy Pokemon I catch.

They are like Trophys.

Your's Truely:


A.K.A The Shiny Hunter.

The beast told me to catch more Shinies. The goodest blog.

Hey guys I've gotten more Shiny Pokemon. I've Traveled in Fuego Ironworks and Able to catch the Sliver Magnetmite. I jump in the Trophy Garden and encounter a Gray Eevee. I cut through Route 206 and cut right into a Blue and Yellow Baltoy. I past right into Route 214 and hit a Gold Poochyena. I've Been able hit in the Valley Windworks and catch the Dark Pink Mareep.

I hope you like them.


Canceled. :(

Looks like I won't be able to go to the Athlete of the Year Dinner. So looks like I won't be gone.

Your's Truely:
