Hey Guys this is my 60th Blog. I've been able to get a Flying Pikachu and a Surfing Pikachu and They're Both mine. But now they're both Raichu's and I'm glad to get them both.
I hope you like this blog. :)
Hey Guys this is my 60th Blog. I've been able to get a Flying Pikachu and a Surfing Pikachu and They're Both mine. But now they're both Raichu's and I'm glad to get them both.
I hope you like this blog. :)
Hey guys, I've not been doing this blog for awhile I've gotten a Total of 65 Shinies in all. I will tell you them all.
Shiny Pokemon:
Luxray TorkoalBulbasaur Gastrodon (Pink)RaichuSlowbroCacturne Gastrodon (Blue)
Pichu Hippowdon DusknoirBronzong
AggonAltariaPidgeot Milotic
MetagrossPelipper Lopunny Weavile
MukMagmar Rapidash Gyrados
Golem StantlerClaydol Drapion
VaporeonNoctowl Mew Mightyena
Flareon Venomoth Ho-ohSalamence
UmbreonBellossom StaraptorAriados
GlaceonSlakingNidoqueen Exeggutor
ScytherCamerupt Floatzel Pachirisu
Drifblim Tentacruel Bibarel
I hope you like them all.
P.S: I'm Awsome!
You guessed right, I got a Snow Day! I got alot of snow, I had to help someone Yesterday due to they went off the roads. I hope you guys don't go off the road.
I always wanted to do that. :D that pikachu is awsome. I don't own the Pikachu.
When you get a Snow Day what do you do?
Hey guys today is Valentine's Day so I was you a Happy Valentine's Day with Pikachu.
Happy Pika Valentine's Day.
Shine Out.
I know that I have not been doing this long.
Shiny List:
Shiny Floatzel
Shiny Nidoqueen
Shiny Pelipper
Shiny Machoke
Shiny Golem
Shiny Slaking
Shiny Gardevoir
Shiny Cacturne
Shiny Stantler
Shiny Ariados
Shiny Metagross
These are the Shinies I've caught from a long time.
When I didn't do this.
Hey guys I've been able to catch more shinies, This time I've caught 4.
While Traveling to Route 228 I've been able to encounter a shiny Beldum.
When I was in Valley Windworks I've encounter a Red Shellos.
Again in Valley Windworks I was able to catch the gold Buizel.
While in Valor Lakefront I come up against a Pink Nidorina
Snow Day
Woohoo I have no school today due to the snow. I always wanted a Snow day.
I hope you like the Shiny Blog here today.
Your's Truely:
Hey guys wad up I've encountered more Shiny Pokemon so here they are.
I went into Acuity Lakefront and ran into a Pink Sneasel.
I traveled inRoute 206 and hit a Gold Kricketune.
I dropped by Valley Windworks and encountered a Pink Pachirisu.
I hope you enjoy this blog of Shiniy Pokemon I catch.
They are like Trophys.
Your's Truely:
A.K.A The Shiny Hunter.
Hey guys I've gotten more Shiny Pokemon. I've Traveled in Fuego Ironworks and Able to catch the Sliver Magnetmite. I jump in the Trophy Garden and encounter a Gray Eevee. I cut through Route 206 and cut right into a Blue and Yellow Baltoy. I past right into Route 214 and hit a Gold Poochyena. I've Been able hit in the Valley Windworks and catch the Dark Pink Mareep.
I hope you like them.
Canceled. :(
Looks like I won't be able to go to the Athlete of the Year Dinner. So looks like I won't be gone.
Your's Truely:
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