@xerberus The "suits" that run the machine and reap all the cash are the ones who pay the "working class citizen". It's simple,. if they arent making money of products they put money into, they have no money, so how will they pay the "working class citizen"?
@servb0ts How are they double dipping off used products? I enjoy paying full price for a game that's worth it, with a nice long campaign that's rich with content. But you know what, It's hard to make a game like that if you DON'T HAVE MONEY, which is happening to developers now because of the used game market. So companies are resorting to whats cost effective, popular and sells (4 hour campaigns, tacked on multiplayer) THQ just announced bankruptcy even, who would have thought? How many other gaming companies have gone under the past 5 years? It'll be no different than digital purchases, you can't trade those in, but you can certainly sign on to your account on another friends ps4 (or what ever system) and play your games.
You people need to do your research before you slam Sony for this. Developers get NO MONEY for the sale of a used game. The sales of used games have skyrocketed the past few years, which means developers aren't making money off games that cost them MILLIONS of dollars to develop...if people bought games new the developers would have more money to make better games and wouldn't have to ship games out at such a high price. But by all means if you guys want to keep playing the same cookie cut out FPS games every single year, pay for online passes for your used purchases, and deal with criminal DLC go ahead, complain some more.
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