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emeraldqueen Blog


OMG!!! OMG!!! No way...I really can't wait for this game anymore. I just asked at the forums about a rumor that there is children in the game, many answers and there is children indeed, very similar on what we saw at Fallout3 and Fallout Vegas, I bet there will be quests to help them out in something. Love it...nothing else to say I know it will be the game of the year next to GOW3!!! Skyrim the best after Oblivion!!! Long live the fun in The Elder Scrolls IV of Oblivion!!!!

Oblivion for PC

Ok, love the game on Xobx360 I want to give it a shot on a PC. I been so hooked with it is not even funny, even though I have played for the 3rd time I still have new things to do new adventures, more to explore. This game is definetly addictive, so I want to be mobile with it cause I have a nice laptop that can run the game and if I am traveling and want som eentertaiment this would be fun to do. I'm looking for a good price though, a copy on ebay or maybe amazon but so far I am looking forwrad for the PC version cause I know there is some other fun stuff you can do. If you have played this game in both plataform and wna to give me your opinion please do so, i would love to hear what you got to say.


Rogue Warrior! Ok you would probably think I am crazy for playing this game, actually I did cause someone recommend me playing it. So when I saw that Bethesda was involved I gave it a shot, it was not that bad but the mechanics of the game were terrible, very inefficient system they use I didn't like that. The story plot was not super but I went through really quick though I finished the game really fast in Regulars Difficulty, it didn't take me a day to go throught with it. What I like about it was the fact that was sort of a splinter cell combination with allot of coursing lol...yeap if you plan to play this game keep it with headphones cause is not good if you have kids or your parents are around...Mickey Roorke is the star of this crazy story, and you can tell is very Mickey Roorke and the end you can hear a Rap song from him wich you need to cover your ears lol...overall...not to good. I have played better games, what make it for me that Bethesda was involved, I'm a big fan of Oblivion and Fallout so done with it and I am right now for the 3rd time playing Oblivion again...Love this game!!!! Can't wait to try Brink, I have heard good things about it and once again Bethesda is involved, so looking forward for this one.

Gears of War3 Beta

Hello, long time no write lol...I been playing GOW3 Beta, I feel is allot of fun. The oline multyplayer I feel is a mixed between GOW and GOW2 with some goodies included. I like the fact that fianlly I can be a girl in the game, I beong Cole like a football player is fun. This morning I got my Gold Retro Lancer yayy... My understandig that once the Beta ends you will not able to get Cole Fooball Player or the Retro Gold Lancer they were only exclusive for the Beta, plus a bunch of medals, you get to keep them once the beta is over and you get the game. I am at level 12 wich is cool, I mena I haven't rape the beta but I just play now and then for fun. Hopefully the game will be awesome!!!

Fable III, uh well...

Well, opinions of this game I haven't read form other people but my only experience with it is that is ok. I have finished the main story, was short I still need to do the side quest and I haven't try co-op so far I only see enhancement on the graphics but nothing more that I can say that the game is better than Fable II. My problem with this game is that I always put to much expectations on it and boom when I get to play then they are not what I was expecting at all. When Fable II came out for me was the biggest disappointment of that year the game was launched. I just wished that the creators of this game do something more powerful, the game has lots of potential but is not quite what we the gamers want, I'll keep working on it and post. That's all I can say...

Oh wow :)

2010 is almost gone...WOW!!! A year full of gaming and fun and a new Xbox. Well I know I haven't been around much but I been playing and trying to get my favorite games. This year gave us great games, like Halo Reach, Fable III, Fallout Vegas and many more. Call of Duty Black OPS is around the conner and I can't wait. Xbox gave us a new Kinect, I don't have it yet cause I love my Xbox360 I don't know if I will get a Kinect though...will see. Ok well there is an update I will come back with more to say soon :)

Fuse Member

I like the new application for my GameSpot blog, I been a Raptr Member for a while now and I think is great for any gamer out there that wants to keep track of their gaming. I will try keep up with this blog like I use to, I been very busy...I wish you all well! PEACE!

Controversy Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package Maps

I find a article that is very interesting: Activision and Infinity Ward have the audacity to charge 1200 Microsoft Points -- i.e., $15 -- for the map pack. This is outrageous enough when you consider that they priced the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare "Variety Map Pack" at $10 for four maps. But when you realize that you're paying 50% more and you're getting one fewer new map, well, then it becomes somewhat infuriating, if you ask me. I'm sure Activision and Infinity Ward are charging this much because they know that people will pay it, if reluctantly. Let's do the math that they likely did: the MW2 user base consists of more than 25 million players, so even if only 20% of them buy the Stimulus Package, that's still $75 million of revenue. I certainly won't be forking over the 15 bucks for these maps when they come to the PlayStation Network at the end of April. Will you?

New Gamertag

Hello guys I know I haven't been around much but I just want to inform that my Gamertag EmeralDQueen was hacked, it's been already 3 months and Microsoft will not resolve my problem of getting all my info back. Unfortunately I'm force to start all over again and hope that this new Gamertag AchlySAellai stays intact. Thank you all for your support. and hopefully I will be playing for many more years... :)

Happy Thanksgiving

I wish you all the best :) As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. DQ