@xxdavidxcx87: fun fact the xboxone is selling faster then the Xbox360 sold the xboxone is doing great the PS4 is just selling faster but when Scorpio comes out many PS4 owners will jump ship to Scorpio and the PS4 sales will slow . The xboxone runs most games just as good as the PS4 sometimes it runs the.m better and other times it runs them at a lower resolution but make no mistake the xboxone is selling great and later this year's Scorpio will clean house
@Keitha31d3: so you are saying PS5 is the upgrade to the upgrade ? The only thing Sony should be thinking about is dropping the price of the Sony pro and making it the new standard PS4 ,stop making the older weaker PS4 . Microsoft was smart making the xboxone s the new standard Xbox ,it can do HDr ,play 4K blu ray movies ,so it will sell long after PS4 has had its best days . Sony needs to put out a PS4 pro with a 4K blu ray player and make that the standard PS4 make it $300 then call it a day. PS5 should be a 2020 system if not 2021. Microsoft will never have the weaker console ever again
@livedreamplay: Sony has no idea what they are doing they are for sure going to crash and burn soon ,Sony put out PSvr,PS pro ,PS4 slim an they did this all in the same year. That is so stupid it's not even funny
@Keitha313: ryse on PC looks like a xboxone game even if you play it on the world's most expensive gaming PC the reason for that is the game wasn't built for your rig most games on PC are just 4K versions of games that are built for 2tf graphics cards but when a system like Scorpio comes out and it's being pushed as mass market the standards get higher so now 6tf is the new standard and everything on PC can take that and make it look sharper with the right rig
@XAF1: I would put money Microsoft will be the company to push graphics to the next level watch halo 6 blow everything on the market out the water it wil look dated on the vanilla xboxone but on Scorpio it will be mind blowing
@khanwashere: PS5 will be all 4K ports of PS4 games for RE first 2 years lmfao just like PS4 ....you will all be asked to buy them again lol the PS4 exclusive lineup was mostly PS3 ports when you really look at it
@timmy101999: Sony would become the new Sega. Sony has PS4 ,PS4 slim ,PS VR ,PS4 pro and now PS5 all within 5 years ummmmmm this sounds like one big cluster **** of confusion but it would not shock me. Sony isn't a smart company they just got lucky with the PS4
@Furwings: "They need to seriously step up their exclusive game library" Sony fanboys are funny acting like Sony's exclusive lineup hasn't been garbage for years knack ,drive club,no man's turd ,the oder 1886 ,the very broken street fight 5 etc etc best exclusive on PS4 in 3 years was uncharted 4 that's it and most PS4 games were PS3 ports. Or games that were delayed for years .Most people don't buy consoles for exclusives they buy them for features and 3rd party games like gta ,call of duty etc .the Scorpio will be advertised as the true 4K gaming console the best place to play all 3rd party games and by the time the PS5 comes out Microsoft would have a very affordable console that will have many awesome looking games that are in 4K it will be the $200 scorpion vs the $400 PS5 with Scorpio 2 a year away .keep in mind the Scorpio will help ms catch up to the PS4 in sales and for Sony to show any difference in graphics they would need to put money into building PS5 games from the ground up now like today To put out games that look next gen by 2018 or 2019 Sony would need to be making games for PS5 now.
emptycow718's comments