@jmartin1016: no game is built from the ground up for a 6 Teraflop card they are built for less powerful hardware so be happy that a console like the Scorpio will be pushing graphics. The next gears and halo are going to look amazing and if the Scorpio sells millions this will help push the standards of PC graphics development it will get devs to build. Games from the ground up to take advantage of much more powerful hardware
@heydink: the Scorpio is getting PC textures and it can do native 4K for games and it plays 4K blu ray movies. Who the hell cares about that sony pro garbage and if you don't care about the Xbox Scorpio then why are you commenting in a story about the Scorpio ? You are butthurt that Microsoft is about to own Sony for years to come
@raiders3rings: I will be selling my PS4 later this year,why buy 3rd party games on PS4 today when I can buy them for xboxone and later this year play them in native 4K on my Xbox Scorpio
Sonyspot.com won't point out resolutions of Scorpio games vs PS4 pro games later this year that's for sure not with the PS4 pro running games at 1440p 25fps vs Scorpio running the same games at 4K native and 60fps all day
emptycow718's comments