@Xristophoros: what do you think is going to happen when everyone has a 4k tv when GTA 6 comes out and the xboxone x has a price drop ? The xboxone x is just getting started. Just watch when microsoft shows halo 6 built from the ground up for the one x. I cant wait for the jaws to drop at e3
@Xristophoros: horizon is a over rated tomb raider clone. The best games sony put out in 4 years is god of war and uncharted 4. Sony fanboys love to think sony has better exclusives but when you really look its microsoft who has a stronger line up of first party games in almost every category lets see. quantum break vs detroit, killzone shadow fall vs halo 5 ,gears 4 vs uncharted 4 .god of war vs ryse ,gt sport and drive club vs forza horizon 2,forza 5,forza 6,forza 7 .knack vs recore ,ratchet and clank vs sunset over drive. Are you starting to see how stupid the " Xbox has no games or exclusives " sounds ? I'm not even going to add in the awesome 4k patch for red dead redemption or the best version of bayonetta outside the pc version. Xbox has games you sony fanboys just like to bash the xbox to make you feel better about owning only a ps4.
@Jdzspace: Yakuza 6 plays like a ps2 game and the reviews for that game are poor. I have played Yakuza. Before its not a AAA game it plays like a budget title. Microsoft has cuphead,sea of thieves,forza 7,pubg ,soon crackdown 3 and state of decay 2 all in the last 7 months all not on ps4 I'm not even counting the remasters on one x conker 4k,red dead redemption 4k etc but xbox owners should want a ps4 to play god of war a game thats Basically ryse with a slightly different combat system and,less combat. God of war is a walking / boating SIM
@Jdzspace: we are talking about consoles buddy. If u have the money you can get a pc that can do many of the things the one x can do but not everything one of,them is play red dead redemption in 4k anotjer is play sunset over drive ,halo 5 etc
@Jdzspace: people paid the $500 to play everything in a better quality that means older game and newer games and thats what they are getting. Gta 6 4k red dead 2 4k etc look at hell,blade on ps4 pro vs xboxone x is almost night and day the ps4 pro is doing 900p sub 50 fps and the one x is doing dynamic 4k with more detail at a almost solid 60fps thats why people buy the one x that and you get a uhd player
@Jdzspace: the service microsoft is selling is giving you the ability to play more games and play games in a better quality. Sony fanboys are silly acting like " old games don't matter " yet one of the most loved games of the moment is a remaster of a ps2. game. I get remasters on the xboxone x every week sometimes 10 in one day. Maybe ms should sell the 4k red dead redemption and pull a sony
@Jdzspace: cuphead was at the end of 2017. sony has put out nothing but a racer thats garbage compared to forza 7 This year sony has a remaster and god of war after that we have spider man the batman clone and detroit the point and click game. Crack down 3 will have replay value for along time. the stuff sony is putting out is over and done in 2 days max. I'm playing. God of war now its good but its mostly a boat /walking sim.
@Jdzspace: microsoft put of sea of thieves like 2 weeks ago they also jist put out forza 7 not to long ago and cuphead and they have more stuff coming this year. Sony has put out nothing this year just god of war and a remaster of a 10+ year old game. I have a feeling e3,will be new,games from MS and sony showing the same,stuff they been showing forever and as always maybe a hand full of new games that are 10 years away. I'm enjoying all t he games I missed and now I get,to play them in 4k on my one x. I am playing god of war now but aftee that I will go back,to,the feature rich xboxone x
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