@jmichura: people can buy a xboxone and on day one have access to over 100 full games for 10 bucks ummmmmm if people bitch about this they are spoiled rotten. The best deal you could get with most consoles 20 years ago was a demo CD or maybe a pack in game rarely but now you get 100s of full games along with a pack in game.
@RicanV: it takes years to build a console and years more to build games to take advantage of that new hardware so you are saying Sony is building games for new hardware as we speak for new hardware on top of building PS4 games ummmmm doubtful. Scorpio will hold it's own even if Sony put something out in two years Scorpio would have had years to build games to take full advantage of Scorpio hardware while Sony has native 4K versions of PS4 games with zero updates to textures ,fx etc on PS5. Soon after PS5 we will see Scorpio 2 running Xbox360 ,xboxone games PS5 will most likely only run PS5 games
@angryguy77: " why buy a console to play old games " Sony fanboys have played every Xbox360 game and every xboxone game made so far. Saying you won't play " old games " on a new console is like saying you won't play old movies on a new blu ray player or u won't read old books for the simple fact they didn't just come out . Games are games and if u never played them before they are new to you so if u play a game made 20 years ago for the first time today that makes it a new experience to you .millions of Sony fanboys haven't played any halo games no gears games no forza etc everything is going to look better on Scorpio so I'm looking forward to owning one
@Xristophoros: the Xbox Scorpio will run xboxone games at 4K native. Red dead 2 will be 4K native it could be 4K 60fps with that low overhead frame rate software Microsoft was talking about in the leaked white papers
@VoidBeyond: Mario ,Mario Mario and more Mario . Sony made 5 uncharted games ,Sony milks everything we are already up to 5 uncharted games 6 if you count the card game and that's in a little over one console generation now let's look at another Sony exclusive that was milked to death release list
2002 Ratchet & Clank
2003 Going Commando
2004 Up Your Arsenal
2005 Ratchet: Deadlocked
2007 Size Matters
Future: Tools of Destruction
2008 Secret Agent Clank
Future: Quest for Booty
2009 Future: A Crack in Time
2011 All 4 One
2012 Collection
Full Frontal Assault
2013 Into the Nexus
2016 Ratchet & Clank (re-imagining .Sony are the master milkers but Sony fanboys are blind to this and just point fingers at the company that gives it's fans great features and great products . Backwards compatible 360 vs stream PS3 games over psn is the difference between Sony and Xbox in a nutshell Sony is spitting in the face of its fans in many ways
@darthrevenx: without gears of war you wouldn't have last of us or uncharted so put that in your Sony fanboy pipe and smoke it also enjoy the many many idea and features that Sony took from Microsoft the PS3 was bare bones when it came out it had nothing no features at all outside of play a game it had nothing no gamer score nothing they got all that later after they saw what Microsoft was doing
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