sony fanboy "just face it the ps4 is more powerful then the xboxone" gamespot .com page they are on at this vary moment "Xbox One is said to be faster in other areas" funny i love sony fanboys
@northArrow @emptycow718 i cant wait for microsoft to start showing how the unreal engine 4 looks %50 better on the xboxone then the ps4 gears of war 4 = the true next gen killzone shadow fall = 1080p last gen
you people need to learn how to read the story said the xboxone can do somethings better then the ps4 so how can they say the ps4 is %50 more powerful its a joke “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces--that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU--Xbox One will be likely be faster,” keep in mind eveything that the xboxone can do better then the ps4 is all the things that unreal engine 4 is built on gears of war is epic games baby so its safe to say unreal engine 4 will look and run better on xboxone
@RicanV i think you fail to understand this story said the xboxone is more powerful then the ps4 in some areas that means some games will need to be toned down for ps4 “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces--that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU--Xbox One will be likely be faster,” raytracing is one of the number one things you will see in unreal engine 4 so its safe to say in next gen graphics xbox won
"Xbox One is said to be faster in other areas, however. “Let’s say you are using procedural generation or raytracing via parametric surfaces--that is, using a lot of memory writes and not much texturing or ALU--Xbox One will be likely be faster,” concluded one developer" this here = unreal engine 4 games will look and run better on the xboxone
@de-astroturfer nintendo im sure has already pumped out over 5 million wiiu systems they have not even sold $million wiiu consoles so for sure nintendo is losing money like made they for sure have millions of wiiu systems on the market just caking on dust at bestbuy gamestop etc
the wiiu for sure is the dreamcast part 2 and thats not even trolling its clear as day the wiiu is done the thing is not selling now how good you think the wiiu is going to sell in the next few months when the ps3 and xbox360 have another price drop and the real next gen consoles launch i will give you a hint it wont sell good at all
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