We're talking about the game now, not the review, so it's a different subject. I'm just saying it repeats the same ideas, just like every other fucking sequel. But does it do it worse? Not really. So, I don't see how a rehash of a great game is a all of a sudden a bad game. Is Mario Galaxy 2 any less of a great game because it's too much like the first one?
I'm pretty sure a lot of the critcism came from the fact that she complained about misogyny in a game that has even more worse things or equally bad things. I don't even know why she bothered bringing up politics into Grand Theft Auto V review. Any dolt knows that Grand Theft Auto V has offensive content.
What did the other games offer other than a new story and a few hardly noticeable tweaks? Yeah, they're different games, but I don't see the logic. Even with Arkham Origins multiplayer being kind of lame, I don't see why this game should get less than 7. Multiplayer is not the focal point of the Arkham series. You have to factor that in. Most people going into this game are doing it for the single player experience. With that in mind, the point reduction should be lighter. If it was Call of Duty, where multiplayer is very important, then it would make sense. To sum it up, this game pretty much just got a terribly low score because it's too much like Arkham City and the reviewer is clearly bored of the series. That's it. That's the real reason, and I think that reason is totally whack.
Anyway, I'm done here. I don't see the point in continuing this conversation. You have your opinion, and I have mine.
It deserves that score only if you're one of those morons who flails the Wii mote around because you think the controls are broken. It's not an amazing Zelda game, but I don't see what in there would make it less than a great game.
I think the balance is missing. This game deserves no less than a 7. Other games that play just like their predecessor (Uncharted 3, Gears of War 2/3, Halo 4, Pokemon, Call of Duty, Assassin's Creed) get much higher scores for basically recycling the same formula. Yet here it's totally idiotic. Unfair. Biased. Unprofessional. There is no standard or consistency in GameSpot's reviews. They are all trash, and far too opinionated these days. I'm not against putting some of your personal feelings into a review, but I think it should be a healthy dose. This isn't.
No. I am saying you should review games based on how well designed they are. If they have poor gameplay mechanics or other issues, the score should go down. Of course, you will always have to factor in your own personal feelings about something. But this review is clearly full on personal bias, little to no objectivity. Oh, I am bored of this because it feels too much like the last game... so it deserves a 6. You know what? That's fucking stupid. Some sequels bore me, others don't. I don't slap scores on just because of the mood I am. Or look at this reviewer's score on Luigi's Mansion. The score was low because he/she thought it was too hard, while mostly everyone else had no problems. I guess what I'm trying to say is that people who can't put aside their personal feelings for even a second shouldn't be professional critics. Because what good is their opinion? I can get it from a random person, like my friend who thinks Metal Gear Solid 4 sucks.
No, they have to be rated higher because obviously the game is better than a 6. Let me put it this way. I do not like Demon's Souls at all, but you know what? It deserves the high praise it gets. If I had to review it, I could put my bias aside, and give it a score that is at least somewhat close to how other people would perceive it. Another game I personally do not like is Bioshock, but you know what? I wouldn't score it less than an 8, let alone a fucking 4.
I think I'm at that point where almost every critic here pisses me off. I pretty much just come here to keep up with new games, but as far as the critics go, I think they are really lame. I know it's their opinion and all, but crap I've never seen so much garbage on any other gaming website. I remember when people freaked out over Twilight Princess' score (I personally didn't mind) a long time ago when Jeff Gerstmann was around, and that is nothing compared to the crap that goes on today on GameSpot. The scores that this game, Skyward, The Last of Us, Luigi's Mansion 2... ****, even RE6 got have been completely fucking off track. They are not accurate at all. And yes, I've played all of these games. I think I'm just going to stop reading GameSpot's reviews, period. It's mostly nit picking and bullshit. Hardly any objectivity at times. I guess GameSpot needs reviewers like this to fit in with the times. It's nothing but garbage, day after day, here in the good old USA.
EnderX's comments