So last weekend I FINALLY beat Final Fantasy XIII.I'm a long time Final Fantasy fan.I started playing way back with Final Fantasy IV.I've got to say this was one of the worst titles of the series.It was an absolute slog to get through. The battle system is T-E-R-R-I-B-L-E.Somewhere along the way the big wigs over at Square-Enix got it in their minds that what fans of the FF series really wanted is a fast paced battle system that was more flowing and action oriented. So I have to ask: Have they ever played one of their own Final Fantasy games?
Fans of Final Fantasy are NOT looking for fast paced battles with flowing sequences and big set piece action. It's a turn based RPG series. Turn based... which means that if it's my turn andI want to just lay the controller down and go to the bathroom without hitting pause then the game will still be sitting there waiting for my input when I come back. I shouldn't have to be fumbling with menus while getting repeatedly attacked. They tried to address this by removing your ability to control your party members (which everybody wanted that feature *SARCASM*) and adding an Auto Battle button which selects the "appropriate" type of action for your character to take based on what configuration you have your party set into. This basically just makes for battles that are a sequence of 1)select the appropriate party configuration, 2)click Auto Battle, 3)watch a sequence of your party members doing battle, 4)end battle, 5)repeat. B-O-R-I-N-G!!!!!
Some battles were so rediculously fast as to not be worth having even fought. And other battles were interminably long sequences of just switching into and out of various party configuartions to heal or buff up your characters so they didn't get immediately killed while pecking away at your overly difficult enemies health guage. So at best the game was boring and at worst it was like having a job. A game can be difficult and still be fun but this was like actual work. Like long boring repetitive menial labor kind of work. And one of the worst parts is that you can't even unlock all of your characters attributesand weapons or earn all of the games trophies until after you've beaten the story. I know this was their attempt at creating replayability for the game but what kind of incentive is there for me to go back and play against hordes of now relatively weak enemies and some that are still just ridiculously hard to continue to buff up my characters stats and get new weapons that I won't equip? I already completed the story so I don't really care to fight battles for no reason other than to get higher stats or work towards trophies based on reaching the highest stat level.
This game has definitely taken the top spot for me as most disappointing game. I was all hyped to get it before it came out but I've almost got some serious buyers remorse now that I've dropped my $60 and spent way too many hours playing this game. And to top that off it actually spent more hours sitting idle in a drawer than it did actually being played. Pitiful.
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