"You can Google Jessica Nigri. I don't know if you'd want to but its cool. If ya wanna that's great." Oh please. Come on Jessica. You know everybody wants to oogle... I mean Google you.
I love RE Remake but that doesn't mean that the original RE isn't worth your time. I'll still play my copy of the Directors Cut on PSOne. Just because the graphics are blocky, the story cheesy, the acting campy, and the controls a bit rough around the edges doesn't mean it isn't still a great game.
I'd be cool with a game like Battlefield costing say $15-20 more on the front end to give everyone who buys access to all the DLC that will come out rather than the current model of having only some people buy into certain DLC or even fewer go after the season pass. It should extend the life of good multiplayer titles by giving the community more reasons to continue to play or go back to a game and ultimately would net the publisher/developer more money since every copy sold would reap that extra money instead of just whatever percentage of players actually buy the season pass or individual DLC. It would take a while for this kind of model to be accepted and too many people would whine that its a ripoff or greed or milking or whatever but it honestly makes a lot more sense than the way they charge for this stuff now and on paper at least would create the potential for a better experience.
@Rushaoz 50% more multiplayer content... Do you actually expect each successive installment of a franchise to offer up 50% more than its predecessor before you'd consider it worth full price? Much as I enjoy both Battlefield 3 and 4 they are in a lot of ways the same game. Doesn't mean that I don't feel like I got my money's worth out of both even at full price.
So CoD does this every year and no one bats an eyelash... Battlefield gets in on annual release and suddenly it's being called an expansion pack... hypocrisy people.
Unprofessional is unprofessional regardless of venue. No descent from my horse is necessary. Also the average normal person doesn't work on Wall Street.
endorbr's comments