what about the possibilty other life has no reason to contact us? if they are so well advanced in tech i see absolutey no reason why they would need to, or want to
I think it has something to do with the huge increase in video gamers over the years. Before games were only for a few people, now its turned into a multimillion dollar business that wants to make money by attracting all the non gamers.
To do this they are changing the way games are being played, and effectilty making ones that are much simpler and more straightforward.
Before they were making games for gamers now their making games for non gamers... and they suck. i completey agree and think that all game are sucking nowdays since about 2 or 3 yrs ago, and thats not cuz im older.
its like a social revolution, but i like the nerdy games not the ones made for jocks and cheerleaders
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