[QUOTE="Strayclown"] I'm just saying this is another indicator of how Sony has been treating us after they get our money, It may be bashing, but from what I see, it's true.nextgen2007
They didn't do it intentionally, (I hope). Trust me, if a solution to the APOCOLYPS3 isn't found within the next two days, I'll be the first on playstation.com complaining (to say the least).
I honestly hope you donty think this is intentional. Yeah, theyre truly bad people... you know with the cool games and the FREEEEEE online they put out. Yeah, those guys just suck. [/sarcasm]
Read my first post. Obviously I don't think this is intentional. My bad I didn't [/sarcasm]. I think Im one of the very few who are actually waiting for Sony to fix this and not butchering my machine.
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