Thanks for proving me 3 times. If you want credibility then prove me wrong. Why did I fail miserably? Yes you can't. You have never contributed to the conversation. You simply started name calling which is typical for someone who has nothing to say.
"What about people without strong interent connections?"
I'm sorry you're out of luck. You can't please everyone!
"Large parts of the US are in this situation. What about ISP data caps? About 2/3 of America has data caps. "
Why is everything "USA" this USA that... USA is not the whole world. Sony sells more consoles in Europe.
If you live in the middle of nowhere , again your out of luck. Quit being such a drama queen.
"Why force me to hold onto multiple consoles? Thats great for collectors, but what about the ppl who need to sell old systems to help them buy the new one, or dont like 15 consoles hooked up."
Well you kind of answered your own question there w/o even knowing it!
Yes- The B.C would make the console more expensive.
"WHY NOT JUST MAKE IT BACKWARD COMPATIBLE??!!!! NO BC, no buy. PERIOD. That goes for you too Microsoft!!! I will move to PC before I support this."
Over reacting drama queen! No one gives a flying F*** if you don't buy it.
"Sony is doing the same thing, they're making their old equipment non-backwards-compatible so they can make money selling the same games on the new platform. Sony is simply being greedy, and paranoid about hackers that they will never be able to stop. "
Where do you come up with these assumptions *facepalm*
Sony is not including B.C for financial reasons. Obviously including a hardware emulator in the PS4 will increase it's price. Do you want to pay higher price? I'm pretty sure you will moan about that also, so I say no.
PS4 has a different CPU architecture which isn't it's strongest point, and it will be difficult to have software emulator. SO the only option is to stream games online(that's why Sony bought Gaikai). Seems like Sony has thought this through long time ago.
enriK233's comments