someone friend requested me and later asked me my age and where i was from. so i asked him the same questions and he said he was from egypt. i was suprised that he spoke english of all languages, becasue I don't know too much about modern day egypt. little did i know, after letting him know that i was simply suprised that he spoke english, he thought I assumed that all egyptians still live in tents, and went on to say that no his sister hasn't been sold or anything, and i just thought it was neat to be able to talk to someone so far away over the playstation network, and I still wouldn't expect too many egyptians to speak english.
during the ps2/gamecube/xbox era, they made like 15 tenchu games exclusive to ps2 and 2 ninja gaiden games for xbox. ninja gaiden always recieved good reviews, and regardless of the reviews, I wanted that game no matter what. I'm pretty sure most, if not all, tenchu games recieved mediocre reviews, and with all due respect, I honestly never cared for tenchu. download the ninja gaiden sigma demo and see why I didn't feel bad when I found out sony traded tenchu for ninja gaiden; then complain.
with xbox live you will NEVER stop paying for your 360, with ps3, online is free. 90% of everything on the playstation network is free. 100% of everything on xbox live, from buddy icons to wallpapers have a price.
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