Ouch! Epic fail right there... let me fix it now.
epichotcheese's forum posts
Starting from the year 2000 to 2011, I'll list 3 of my favorite PC games each year. I know I'll miss out some games,there's no need to rageif you couldn't find your favorite games here. It's really just my humble opinion. Otherwise the list will go on forever.
Year 2000:
Baldur's Gate II: Shadow of Amn
Still one of my all time favorite RPG. One perfectly timed magic missile to the face was so satisfying. I recently started playing this game again on my netbook. I can't believe it's still so much funner and deeper than most of the modern games.
The Longest Journey
The best adventure game ever! The story of April Ryan is so good it changed my life in a good way. Too bad the dreamfall sequel isn't as good. I really want a re-mastered HD version of this game and I don't mind paying full price for it!!! Someone please make this happen.
The Operative - No One Live Forever
I've never played any first person shooting game like this before. Great story, funny and cheesy characters, amazing gun fights, just epic.
Other great games from the year 2000:
Deus Ex
Diablo II
Counter strike
Icewind Dale
Escape from Monkey island
Metal Gear Soild (Official PC version)
Year 2001:
Max Payne
Using the slow motion "bullet time" for the first time was amazing, It's a Hong Kong action movie you can play.
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
I didn't really play Diablo II until the first expansion but once I started, I can't stop. I got so addicted at the game I was actually selling items on ebay as a part time job. Believe it or not, I made thousands of dollars from those rare bows and rings lol
Clive Barker's undying
The most creative FPS at the time in my opinion, combining gun fights with magic abilities, Bioshock probably wouldn't exist without this game. It was so scary I could only play during the day time haha...
Other great games from the year 2001:
Black and white
Tribes 2
Return to Castle Wolfenstein
Baldur's gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Tom Clancy's ghost recon
Year 2002:
Grand Theft Auto III
Roaming around the city in a stolen car is a lot of fun. Name one game that allows you to pick up hookers and kill her to get your money back. That's right, you can't!
Warcraft III
One of the most important game in human history. A RTS game that focus on Micro management instead of mass units, great story and the beginning of the World of Warcraft franchise and LoL, DoTA, HoN. Tower defense, etc... You name it....
Age of Mythology
Too bad this game came out in the same time as Warcraft III, it's one of the best RTS game ever. Perfect "Age of Empire" fomula with the use of crazy creatures and gods.
Other great games from the year 2002:
Neverwinter nights
Freedom force
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Battlefield 1942
Unreal tournament 2003
Year 2003:
Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic
You don't have to be a Star Wars fan to enjoy this epic RPG. It sets the standard for all RPG ever since.
Call of Duty
It remains the best selling FPS series in history. This is also the start of FPS on consoles. Who knew FPS will become so popular with a controller.
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time
Define the standard of 3D platformer on PC and consoles. Perfect control, creative story telling and perfect pacing.
Other great games from the year 2003:
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne
SimCity 4
Beyond good and evil
Year 2004:
Half Life 2
Best FPS ever created, best pacing, best story, best physics, best weapon (the gravity gun) and the real beginning of "Steamworks". Will the new episode or Half life 3 ever comes out? Who knows...
World of Warcraft
Forever changed the formula of MMORPG. Ruins millions of life around the globe. Increased global warming or climate change by 20%.
Far Cry
Display the power and benefits of PC gaming. When this game came out, all the latest graphic cards and RAM were sold out in every computer store. This is also the only game you can buy on Newegg.com at the time hahaha...
Other great games from 2004:
Unreal Tournament 2004
Rome: Total War
The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
Counter Strike: Source
Doom 3
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War
Thief: Deadly Shadows
Year 2005:
Guild Wars
Free MMORPG, easy party system, fun and addicting combat, beautiful environment.
"Bullet time" enabled survival horror FPS with scary little girl. Also, the only first person shooter that lets you pull off extremely satisfying melee attack like the slide kick. Also features the 2nd best weapon in a game ever (nail gun)
One of the most creative and fun platformer ever created, proves that imagination and creativity is more important than realistic graphic.
Other great games in 2005:
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Part 2 coming soon.... (Year 2006 - 2011) Actually, do you even want a part 2? let me know, thanks.
I recently bought a flight stick to play Wings of Prey, great game by the way.
Just wondering if I jump into a fighter jet in the game, may I switch to the stick to have better control of planes and helicopters? Trying to control them with M+K is pretty much kamakaze for me.
Neither because the community sucks. People are just arguing about which game is better instead of enjoy the actual game itself.
My personal word of advice.... Might as well just do a complete re-installion of anything "Games for windows live" related before you try to install AoE online. the GFWL client is crap and never work as intended. It took me a good 30 minutes to get the live product code working.
I didn't know about this game until my friend call me earlier today. It's a free game wihout optional in game purchases, just like Team Fortress 2. They changed the graphic to cartoonish style like Torchlight or World of Warcraft.
I am 2 hours into the game and I am completely hooked! Can't believe this is free. The core game is exactly the same as the classic age of empires II.
If you play this game, let me know. We can be friends and build up our empire.
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