Neither would win, the 360 would RRoD, blow upand take them both out.
yeah i thought this as well, the 360 and ps3 would grapple and the 360 would say your going with me! boom! Yeah but i think the ps3 would barely survive. Then the wii would come down and kick it in the knee caps and run.
The very fact that it's been done before by an entity that's not microsoft is enough. Microsoft is tauting that it's new, original and revolutionary. Gee, just like Microsoft Office was huh.
PS3. PS3 can carry more ammo - bluray vs DVD PS3 Can recieve realtime battle info via satellite - wireless adapter vs no adapter PS3 Can monitor health, damage and enable it's tracking and targeting system all at once - Cell with SPU's PS3 Weapons are more damaging and better quality - Better First Party Exclusives That was fun. Oh and the PS3 can last longer in a fight due to better heat management. I could imagine half was during the fight the xbox mech gets a RROD on it's chest.
PS3. PS3 can carry more ammo - bluray vs DVD PS3 Can recieve realtime battle info via satellite - wireless adapter vs no adapter PS3 Can monitor health, damage and enable it's tracking and targeting system all at once - Cell with SPU's PS3 Weapons are more damaging and better quality - Better First Party Exclusives That was fun.
That's really the only thing they can say about the Wii right now. It's full 1:1 controls now, they've allowed for up to 32GB SD cards to be used, etc. What will be the next thing Xbox/PS fanboys/girls/people complain about the Wii when it gets theHD upgrade? Just wondering.
I don't think people complain about the wii itself. I think it's mostly about the games.
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