The only thing I see coming from RMAH is the next great s*** storm of our time if Blizzard doesn't fix their security soon.
Currently there are 23,802 threads (Threads not posts, THREADS) worth of people saying their accounts/characters have been hacked and cleaned out over on Blizzards forums.
Too bad I sold my PS3 dust collector after that sony hacking scandal... I'll just have to keep playing Persona 4 and Z.O.E 2 on my PS2 seeing as my PS3 wasn't backwards compatible thanks to the brilliant people over at SONY.
I'll just have to watch it on youtube or maybe if we're lucky it's one of the release titles for the PS4.
Someone needs to blacklist the management or at the very least press criminal charges for fraud and missleading employees in regards to their homes being sold.
The damage is done. How about trying not to destroy your customer base and making great products people can buy years after release for more money rather than chasing second hand sales revenue that you have no right to, because you already sold ownership of the product to a customer that now owns the right to sale of that object? Look at the battlechests from blizzard, do you know the reason that they still sell close to 10 years after the original releases? 1) The were good games that people could LAN, completely offline and without DRM. 2) They come with great indepth manuals. 3) They don't rely on external servers that get closed down 1 year after the release of the game. So someone that feels nostalgic can play the game and feel up for multiplayer and urge their friends to buy the battlechest and to join them. I am always amazed how shorted sighted devs are nowdays. Look if you purposefully make a short product with no reply value, You will have zero sales in the long term. And considering how much resources and startup costs to make a game you should be making a game with that replay value to get those long term sales and reduce startup costs. Why Devs continue to just throw money down the drain by ignoring those those long term sales is beyond me.
"if you look at the bigger picture, that outrage isn't widespread or deeply felt" Looks at the backlash on metacritic for DA2 or MW3....Sure Brendan you just keep telling yourself that.
eric_neo3's comments