@7C7R7N7 this specific arena was invites only, based on the top 8 of the MLG Winter Championship in Columbus. If you want you can try to register for the next big championship in Anaheim. If you place top 8 and they have another arena they will fly you out to the arena. However, you would have to get top 8 at the Anaheim championship and they would have to hold another arena. Hope this helps.
@vadicta I had the same feelings you did, but what you need to try to do or what I did was do research online via forums, youtube and just watch matches of the character you want to use and see what better or potential pro players are doing and watch how they block etc etc. I know that's a lot of work to do for someone that just wants to jump into a fighting game and play online, but I'm almost confident that there is almost no character in at least blazblue that you can kind of just get away with button mashing (maybe NU). Anyways I digress only way I got better and eventually got to like level 50 was just memorizing as many combos/situations and trying to mimic what the pro ish players do. They generally are the best example. @carolynmichelle - I believe your thought process is still correct for the most part in terms of Arcades at least in the Japanese culture. It seems that thats what they do to learn and such. They play at the arcades and figure it out, seems like they play console fighting games less. Again though this could be cultural, but if they can do it so can we?
All things can be achieved with hard work, time, patience, and willingness. The more you like the game the harder you're willing to work . It's very frustrating but achievable. Example: Blazblue - very hard game to kind of figure out and learn at least from my perspective. I had to learn many combos/timings and different types of oki (wake-up)/(mix-up) games. All of this took time. It was super frustrating and there were many times where I wanted to chuck the controller, but I liked the game/style/art-style so much I had to keep trucking. All of this done on normal PS3 pad. I play UMVC3 on Pad too and will play all games on Pad cause I'm way worse with a stick.
This is an awesome start for hopefully what is to come. Glad GameSpot covered the event and appears to be covering more events in the future. SC2 !!! Still in shock (SPOILER) - that Huk took it all, but he was definitely on his game this weekend. Grats to him.
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