Fortnite's Halloween Event Fortnitemares Gameplay Live
Celebrating Fortnite's Halloween Event Fortnitemares by taking out other players and monsters all at the same time.
Celebrating Fortnite's Halloween Event Fortnitemares by taking out other players and monsters all at the same time.
My Hero One's Justice All The Plus Ultras with a surprise character at the end.
Ben and Jean-Luc test out the Fallout 76 beta on Xbox One to see how the servers hold up, how the multiplayer works, and more.
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Get your first glimpse of Sanageyama taking on Satsuki in KILL la KILL The Game: IF.
Check out some action between Ryuko and Gamagoori in KILL la KILL The Game: IF.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 has both breadth and depth in all its modes, and the star is its smartly executed take on battle royale, Blackout.
Erick and Alessandro try to fight their way through the first 90 minutes of Dark Souls remastered on the Nintendo Switch.
We check out World War 3 through its early access on steam to see how it compares to Battlefield.
Rob and Erick check out Starlink: Battle for Atlas on the Nintendo Switch where you get to traverse the open world as Starfox.
Find out where Xur is this week and what he's selling.
Hitman 2 has a new mode that you can use to face off against your friends and find out who is the best silent assassin! Check out this full match ...
Join Rob and Erick as they play through Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout mode, multiplayer matches and maybe some zombies.
Luigi is on a mission to save Mario from a bunch of ghosts in a scary mansion! Here is how the game looks on the Nintendo 3DS!
Check out a full match of Fortnite's latest limited-time mode Disco Domination.
We play Assassin's Creed Odyssey on Google's Project Stream, an upcoming cloud gaming platform that allows you to run high-end video games in the Chrome browser. Michael and Lucy give ...
XCOM 2's new DLC is free for PC players, so we're fighting through the story-based missions that bridge the gap between Enemy Unknown and XCOM 2.
Join Erick and Joey as they check out the new skins, emotes and highlight intros from Overwatch's Halloween Terror Event 2018.
Ben and Erick dive into the story mode in WWE 2K19 and then simulate some fun Royal Rumbles.
(Presented by Ubisoft) Assassin's Creed: Odyssey is out now! Join Greg Miller and Alanah Pearce as they play the newest installment in the series!
Erick and Joey dive into Super Mario Party to see who's got the better luck with dice rolls and more.
Ben and Erick check out October's free games for those with PlayStation Plus!
Let's take a walk in Kenshiro's shoes as we take down bad dudes with the art of Hokuto Shinken and serve justice in this open world beat-em-up from the team ...
Tune in as we save the world by making up all the food that we can in Overcooked, which is now free for those who have Xbox Gold in the ...
SoulCalibur 6 launched it's Network Beta Test this weekend and included a large part of the roster. We decided to gather up every character's finishing super move and put them ...
Find out what Exotics Xur is selling and his location in the Week 4 reset for Destiny 2: Forsaken.
We go in-depth with Torchlight Frontiers, the upcoming MMO/lootfest that aims to revamp how action-RPGs work.
We check out the latest season of Fortnite which includes new areas, a new consumable that lets you phase through things, and more.
Jean Luc and Erick take to the seas, by land, and more to showcase the various combat in Assassin's Creed Odyssey while also showing off the lush world.
We check out the newest mode to be added to Destiny 2: Forsaken's crucible playlist called Breakthrough, where two teams will battle it out in an epic tug of war ...
Michael and Ben get ready for war in our playthrough of Valkyria Chronicles 4 live.
The English countryside is open to us in Forza Horizon 4, watch us tear up the streets and become drift kings in the full game!
We check out FIFA 19's fun new survival mode, as well as kick off mode.
Checking out some classics including Double Dragon, Tecmo Bowl, Super Mario Bros, Dr. Mario, Super Mario 3, Pro Wrestling and more on the Nintendo Switch.
Lord Saladin and the Iron Banner make their first appearance in Destiny 2's latest expansion Forsaken.
Having spent a few days with Black Ops 4 Blackout Beta, we chat about Call Of Duty's answer to the popular Battle Royale game mode, and how Blackout compares to ...
We hop into Call of Duty Black Ops 4 Blackout beta now that it has been extended for an extra two hours!
This week Xur has brought back with him Fated Engrams, Sunshot, Graviton Forfeit, Wormgod's Caress, and Eye Of Another World.
Get a taste of PvE and PvP in Dying Light's new mode Bad Blood which is their take on battle royale.
We check out the first hour of Shadow Of The Tomb Raider with special guest Rich Briggs the Senior Brand Director of Tomb Raider.
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