Hearthstone New Dungeon Run Mode Hands On Impressions - Blizzcon 2017
Justin and Erick try out the new dungeon mode that was introduced today at Blizzcon 2017 and talk the new Kobolds and Catacombs expansion.
Justin and Erick try out the new dungeon mode that was introduced today at Blizzcon 2017 and talk the new Kobolds and Catacombs expansion.
Justin and Erick chat about their initial impressions after playing on the new map Blizzard World and the new support hero Moira.
Erick and Justin talk about their thoughts on Classic World of Warcraft and of the new cinematic for Battle For Azeroth the new expansion coming to World of Warcraft.
It's Call of Duty: WWII launch day! Special Guests Chad and Sam from Screw Attack take on Davis and Schroeder from The Warp Zone! Who will win? (Produced in partnership ...
Join Nick and Jake as they check out the campaign, the new zombies mode, headquarters, and more in this pre-launch livestream of Call of Duty: WW2.
The Lobby crew discusses what makes Mario Odyssey so essential, and talks about Sony's new exclusive PlayStation announcements.
We sit down with Bethesda to play two of its biggest titles on PSVR - Skyrim VR releases Nov. 17, while Doom VFR makes its way to PSVR and HTC ...
Destiny 2 PC gets there first weekly reset giving them the Arms Dealer Nightfall, as well as the Leviathan Raid, and EDZ Flashpoint.
Watch the Sony Press Conference at Paris Games Week to see all the big trailers, game news, and more.
Join Jake and Jean-Luc as they get their first taste of Super Mario Odyssey.
Experience the fun filled worlds, possessions and more in Super Mario Odyssey with Rob and Peter.
The Lobby crew discusses whether Origins revitalizes Assassin's Creed, and The New Colossus continues Wolfenstein's March.
Join Nick and Erick as they check out the first hour and maybe a little bit more of Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus.
This weeks reset brings us the Arms Dealer Nightfall with Torrent and Time Warp Zero, as well as the flashpoint on IO. We actually managed to do the prestige nightfall ...
It's Destiny 2 PC launch day! Special guest Hutch joins Chastity to see how Destiny 2 plays on PC. (Produced in partnership with MSI)
We explore Assassin's Creed Origins side quests in the early acts for one hour with Erick and Jake.
Erick and Jake check out the new Fire Emblem Warriors game on the Nintendo Switch.
The fun hack and slash combo filled action game Devil May Cry turned 16 recently so we dive back into an old school classic.
Join Ben and Erick as they try out some of the new modes in WWE2K18 as well as some fun custom wrestler royal rumbles.
The Lobby crew discusses the shuttering of EA Visceral, the redesign of its Star Wars game, and looks back on Amy Hennig's career.
This week in Destiny 2 we get the Exodus Crash Nightfall with time warp and prism modifiers as well as flashpoint on the planet Titan.
Join Erick and Rob as they try to become the greatest super hero to join the ranks of Coon and Friends in South Park: The Fractured But Whole.
We're trying out the new Jackbox Party Pack 4!!! Bring your phone and join the stream for grand ol' time. The Jackbox Party Pack 4 releases on PlayStation 4 October ...
Friday the 13th is upon us and what better way to celebrate then to play some Dead Space on its 9th anniversary.
This week in Destiny 2 we get the Inverted Spire Nightfall Strike with Attrition and Timewarp: Killing Time modifiers, as well as the return of Lord Saladin and the Iron ...
Watch the first hour of hard mode in The Evil Within 2 on PC with Erick and Jean-Luc.
The Lobby crew discusses the poor ways in which Shadow of War, Battlefront 2, and Forza 7 handle loot crates and microtransactions.
Join Erick and Joey as they dive back into the spooky Halloween Terror event in Overwatch to open lootboxes for new skins and more.
The Warp Zone's Michael Davis and Michael Schroeder join Chastity to play Middle-earth: Shadow of War on Xbox One on launch day! (Produced in partnership with Duracell)
Our resident Cuphead expert Joey Yee attempts to speedrun the game with the hopes of coming close to the record. Join us to find out if he does it or ...
Rob and Erick get back into Star Wars Battlefront 2 now that the open beta is available for everyone to download.
Join Rob and Jake as they head into the beta for Star Wars Battlefront II to try out Starfighter Assault, Galactic Assault and more.
The Lobby crew gets ready for the most exciting month of the year, and discusses recent Star Wars: Battlefront 2 story revelations, along with Cuphead difficulty nightmares.
Join us for another weekly reset in Destiny 2 where we check out this week's nightfall is Savathun's Song with the momentum modifier and the anamoly modifier and flashpoint EDZ. ...
We continues our quest for more cars, trophies, and in-game currency in Forza Motorsport 7.
Time to repay a debt to the devil by shooting down bosses in Cuphead a run and gun shooter with 1930's cartoon visuals.
We play some Red Dead Redemption as we wait for the announcement from Rockstar on Red Dead Redemption 2 that will be revealed at 8 am PST.
The Lobby crew got their hands on the SNES Classic, wax poetic about Divinity: Original Sin 2 (again), and predict what Rockstar has in store for its Red Dead 2 ...
We check out this week's Destiny 2 reset that features the return of Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and Future War Cult as well as the new Nightfall at The Pyramidion.
Join Erick and Jean-Luc as they celebrate Halo 3 now that its finally turned 10 years old.
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