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erie_enigma Blog

Yes, I still exist

Rapid update--just preordered SF IV and the fightstick (not the TE one next down), quit then restarted wow, played through resistance should start resistance 2, bought a digital piano now need to learn to play it. Upgraded comp (put in an older microATX board, Intel core duo E5200 overclocked from 2.5ghz to 3.7ghz, nVidia 9600gs 512MB), fishing season coming, Moving to Fingerlakes NY for job in June. Bought Crysis, Fallout3 and Bioshock for my upgraded computer - - and really haven't played any of them!



Quick gaming and boating update

Picked up Mario Kart for the Wii and an extra gimmicky steering wheel at midnight last night. GREAT FUN!!! Typical mario kart overall but nice. I actually like the gimmicky steering wheel, oddly enough!

Picking up GTA IV for PS3 monday night... :) :) :)

WoW is going great, but I have way too many chars. 43 hunter, 42 warlock. 27 shammy, 21 druid, 18 pally, 15 Rogue, 11 warrior....I've been playing mostly the Warlock as of late and digging the hell outta that. Probably will play that one up and then play the hunter again some more. GREAT FUN I HIGHLY RECOMMEND WoW To anyone responsible enough to handle the life drain.

I Bought a 2007 17' Crestliner Bass boat 2 weeks ago. 50HP Merc outboard, side console remote steering, aluminum deck, all welded desight, electric trolling motor and a fishfinder. Lovin' it!

Oh, Gran Turismo Prologue? FANTASTIC. Oh, Gran Turismo, how I missed thee....

The wife and I just ordered a BMW 328xi also for real GT fun........

The PS3 and ME and Mii (Sold my 360)

Yup. I sold my 360 due to lack of using and the death of HD-DVD (didn't need that extra drive I added) and in the aspect of consolidation I sold the 360 to buy the PS3 (got the 40gb, I can always play PS2 games on, well, my PS2 and can add a bigger HD later for low $$). I must say a great decision so far, I really like it! The construction feels much more solid overall, and the controller is like 'coming home' for me, being a PS2'er to begin with. So that leaves me with my Wii and PS3 (oh, and a DS lite, may sell that not sure yet, not using it).

So, I have been assimilated as one with the SONY.

And I like it.

So that's why they call it WarCrack!!

What'd I do? Why did I do it? Amongst peer pressure and such and random curiousity, I gave in. I shouldn't have done it. It was wrong, or was it? I mean, I like it, is that wrong?

The trial was free.

First one always is.

But I can just 'try it'. "I won't get hooked on the first try" I said.

Right. Just like they always say. I'm stronger than that and such.

As I popped it into my system, I could already feel the rush beginning. It was nice. It built slowly. Actually it took forever. The 'popping it in' was a long and slow process.

A process of increasing anticipation.

Then came the time to really start it up. As the Load took over my system, I felt it more.

Suddenly, I heard Music. It was nice music. I liked it.

Then I saw things...characters of all types...I found I can become them with just a little point. I couuld even make them spin, make them have different hair colors. All sorts of wonderful things.

That was nice. But it was just the beginning of my Trip.

I began to run around. I felt untouchable. Invincible.

As I went further into it, I saw a Dragon. I really did. They say you are 'chasing the dragon' and all that with addiction.

But I really saw it.


Pretty soon though, it was all I did. I wanted to see this 'new' world. I wanted to get stronger. Just a bit more.

I couldn't stop.

I'm pretty sure I died a few times as it went on. Felt like it, at least. There were some so called 'friends' there to guide me. One even tried to stop me early on. "Take it back, don't do it." he said.

Too late.

I didn't listen.

And now, after just short while, I know my life is forfeit to it. Sure, I may take my breaks and get away from it for a bit.

But I'll always return. And there it will be, waiting for me. Calling to me.

And that's why it's called World of WarCrack...not Warcraft.

Azeroth is calling....

Bleach Shattered Blade Wii and Bleach DS

Well, I've stepped up my playing a bit this week--played some more Halo (and got online a bit with it) and must say I'm diggin' it more and more. Also got Bleach Shattered Blade (Wii)--Likin' it. For a fan like myself it's great, could have a few additions (mainly a better story mode) but overall a pretty solid first Bleach game in US (for Wii). See my REVIEW

Bleach: Blade of Fate for the DS--now that's got story galore (even if not exactly like the series) and is a fun 2D fighter. Many characters/events/special moves, I like this one alot. highly recommended for the DS for any fan of fighters of Bleach fans!

Quick update, where's the time?

Quick update--have had Halo 3 since release, finally popped it in today--seems like a good game (considering I've never had a Halo game).

Got Zelda PH for DS--seems good so far, haven't gotten far in.

Haven't really been playing much of anything lately though. Started shooting flintlock muzzleloader and getting ready for hunting season. Began rock climbing weekly with some pals out here (man is that fun, 3 1/2 hours of exhausting fun). Went to awilderness medicine conference recently in Ithaca NY (Cornell University)--beautiful campus and gorge hiking was amazing.

Working in the ICU this month (Trauma/Surgical Critical Care) = less time for fun.

Oh well. Have Bleach DS and Wii preordered--I'm sure I'll get them and not play them.

Just like RE 4 for Wii--played in once in the last three weeks since purchase.

Man, just got too many other activities anymore!

Happy Madden Day!!! Also, Gaming updates.

Happy Madden Day everyone!!! I just picked it up for the 360. I didn't dig it much on the Wii last year, and man I'm digging it on the 360. Great graphics, runs smooth as can be (I heard, not suprisingly, the PS3 framerate drops alot), great modes, and I like the presentation this year. Not all about 'cribs' and garbage like that. Back to hard-nosed FOOTBALL. I also like how you can sign into EA sports through the game and have an ESPN sports ticker on the bottom of the menu screen. Plus sportscenter updates and movies/reports on the latest in sports through the game. Very nice. The achievment system is pretty nice too. Overall I give it a 9/10.

Picked up Half Life 2 for XBOX--haven't tried it yet. Played the beginning of FEAR--creeeeepy man, creeeepy. Liking it. DIRT demo is pretty good. BIOSHOCK Demo--also very creepy but very good. I'm liking this 360 experience so far.

Speaking of experience, playing Rainbow Six last night with a buddy from college--some of the most intense experiences in gaming in a long while, really got my heart pumpin' doing co-op terrorist hunt at the "neon graveyard'. what a great game.

Preordered Halo 3. I think COD4 will be very good so keeping an eye on that one.

Bioshock down the road after I get through FEAR methinks

One of the TIger woods' incarnations is in my future(Wii if it is cleaned up from last years gameplay issues, otherwise 360 especially with ease of online and headsets)

Plus Metroid is coming out...and SSB Brawl someday...

My God, so many games, so little time and $$

As the world Turns and XBOX 360

Well, I went to Maine this past week, ate a crapload of awesome lobster, and now I'm back a new man.

And witha New System.


Gamertag: Jerfish

SO many of my friends had a 360 and have been egging me to get one so we can do Rainbow Six vegas online. Well, it happened.

And I like it.

Now a whole new gaming world has been opened. XBOX live is really easy to use for online. Plus the demos and whatnot.

Still have My Wii.

Time to sell Pokemon. Got bored with it after 20hrs of playing. Time to move on.

Anticipating Halo 3, SSB Brawl, Metroid PRime 3, would like to get Forza 2 and possibly Elder Scrolls Oblivion.

Ah, no time for so much fun.

That is all.

Pokemon?? How'd this happen?

No updates in awhile, eh?  Well let's the heck did I end up with Pokemon Pearl?  I wanted something to keep me occupied while I was on call if it got slow--my first 'real' Pokemon game (I had Pokemon Snap for the N64 way back when and it was kinda fun and neat, but this is my first real RPG Pokemon).  Holy cow is it addicting, moreso than many other RPG's I've played.'s fun too!  I convinced a buddy to get Diamond (I have Pearl) so we can eventually start trading and such (I heard the traded Pokemon level up faster or something?). 


Anyways, my stronges one is now Level 21 (I have five at level 20 also).  Trying to keep one of each prime type in my group (although I have a ghastly now and I wouldn't consider a ghost type as a prime type, but he's just too cool, plus I got some plate that powers up his attacks).  I have two badges so far.  So, ya, it's going.

This was all in anticpation of the Coloseum game coming out since you can do it that I have a partner in crime (who also has a Wii), we can begin battling one another on that too with our downloaded P-mon (Just have to convince him to get Coloseum when it comes out like I'm planning on doing....).

Nintendo got me again!  Now, I should start God of War 2 someday also....

Tiger Woods Wii, Swing kinda but not like Tiger

Ok, I read the reviews (mediocre to okay) for Tiger Woods but I went with it anyways...and the first round I played had me cussin' up a storm.  Then something happened the next day when I played round got...better.  By the third round I had the little nuances and glitches handled, and was having a blast.  Tiger Woods for the Wii is the most fun I've had with Tiger in some time.  I was a big fan of the games for the PS2 a few years back, but it always got pretty easy in the end.  Playing with a friend (or 3) made it an awesome experience.  I'd be interested to see how this holds up with multiplayer...a buddy of mine and I played the other day and it was a lot of fun.  Lots of modes, graphics are allright, great sound, annoying announcers, and the putting is no where near as bad as they made it sound.  In fact, i'd say it's the easiest part. 

Oh, and the "game Face" thing is pretty good for making your likeness.

All in all I say so far I give my experience an 8.4 and climbing as I get more experienced.  Just like real golf, you can shank a bunch of shots and get real jacked...but then have some of those perfect shots to bring you back. 

Can't wait for this fall for the 2008 version, which will likely iron out some of the ruff spots that are there.

Haven't gotten to God of War II yet...working too much...