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erie_enigma Blog

Twilight Princess Impressions: Water Temple

Well, I'm doing night shift tonight, so last night I wanted to stay up late to adjust a bit--no problem, TP was there for me.  I haven't gotten much time to play, so I hit the Water Temple--and hit it HARD last night.  I enjoyed riding around on the bosses back.  Infact, I continue to be impressed by how this game is put together.  The Fire Temple's magnetic boots aspect, although a bit odd at first for a Zelda game, were some of my favorite gaming moments thus far.  Disorienting?  No, not really, upside down didn't bother me.  Now, falling through a HUGE room of water in the water temple--also one of my more favorite moments.  I like this game ALOT.  Mucho fun.  I need to do some more fishing though.... :)

Odd though, I found the Water Temple in TP much easier than in OOT.  Not sure why...the temples are laid out pretty well.  Also, I thought the forest temple in TP, although not overly difficult, was more difficult than the Fire and Water temples for some reason.  Can't explain that one...again though, none of them were overly difficult, but deffinately appropriately so.  Can't wait to see what's next!!!

Oh, and thank Miyamoto I can finally warp when I want to now...time to check out the Wii weather channel...

Twighlight Realm

Well, I finally started TP for the Wii the other day, and now that I'm about 6and a half hours in and about to tackle death mountain and the Gorons (dungeon two) I must say it's a pretty darn awesome game.  Great story telling, Feel like good'ole Link again.  Can't wait to see what happens.  The Wii-controls aren't a biggie and are quick to adapt to.  Can't wait to be able to fish off of a boat later in the game!  Highly Recommended. 

Rayman is alot of fun also.  There's some very inventive (and a few very frustrating) mini-games, awesome music, and some laugh-out-loud moments.  Played some multi-player with a buddy as well--good times.

Wii sports is still a lot of fun.  Can't wait for a deeper and more involved golf game to come out--that's gonna be great!  So many great possibilities...and it looks like the big "N" is gettin' this one going well...despite the lack of graphics. 

Speaking of which, got my Component Cables in from the big N.  Huge diff going 480P?  Noticeable.  Maybe not huge, but noticeable...although I hear Zelda is markedly improved graphics wise in 480P versus using the composite.  I guess I'd recommended them w/o much hesitation if you have a high-def TV...although component would make it look a bit better on just about any def TV...

That's all fer now...

My Wii number

8497 7081 3527 2406

Go 'head and add me in...and if you are please PM me with you Wii number so I can add you in as well!!!

Wii Mission accomplished take 2!!!! With photos!!!

Well, Got'er done!  Hooked up, Wifi going, Sonic downloaded (hey I never had a genesis!), and tried out every one of Wii sports...I must say, man is it great!  The boxing controls aren't all that great, but golf, TENNIS for sure, BOWLING for sure, and baseball are very very good.  The all caps ones are the best and best for the 'mote's sensitivities.  I know I know, haven't tried madden, rayman, red steel...or....ZELDA....yet, but I think I need to be off to sleep....3am, and tomorrow's another day (plus the last NASCAR race of the season).  OH, made my Mii also....not too shabby.  Uploading a video of sonic as well....enjoy these shots|!

Okay, so I will go at Midnight

Alright, I said I wasn't going to go at midnight to pickup my Wii preorder...but I am.  gettin' too antsy...more to follow...hope there's no rampant muggings or shootings....

Such differences in reviews!



   -IGN 9.5

   -lowest score aside from GS out of 13 reviews: 4.5/5

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm  interesting.

Excite Truck

   -GS 6.6

    -IGN  8.0

    -Gamespy 3/5 stars (60%)

     -Game Informer --7/10

Red Steel

  GS--in the 5's??  Damn.  No other reviews available really.  I was worried about the sword fighting, it didn't look fluid enough really in the previews, instead of real-time sword linked with your hand, instead you are doing a move that makes the sword react.  In the future hopefully they will make a sword game that you are in control of the sword fully--then again, every time you swing the sword, would that not move the camera as well?  Unless you hold in a button....I dunno.  Disappointing.  I'll post my own review in the coming days AFTER I PLAY IT....

okay, that'sd a bit closer overall.  

First Wii photos for my Blog

OKAY are my first Wii photos!!!  SOOOO EXCITING!! 

-Well, actually maybe not all that exciting--just the case/game/manual for Red Steel.  Since I could pick it up today I figured, eh, why not.

-Also picked up Elite Beat Agents today for DS...Addictive and kookie, I like it alot.

-Can't wait to actually have a Wii and am able to load this puppy up.  I also changed my preorder for COD3 to Rayman Raving Rabbids, hopefully a good call...

HELP! Selection probs! COD3 vs Rayman vs Excite truck!

Okay, so I have preordered the following for the wii..

1.  COD3

2. LOZ: TP

3. Red Steel

(and of course, it comes with Wii Sports)

--I'm having second thoughts on two FPS's.  Red Steel needs a try out 'cause it's made specifically for the Wii.  COD3 looks pretty good and uses the wii-mote well also.  No reviews up yet on either.  I'm debating axing one of the FPS's in favor of another title, thinking maybe axe COD3 for either

1. Excite Truck

2. Rayman Raving Rabids

ORRRRR, I could just try the orig three out and sell one of'em on Ebay (doubt it'd be a loss at this early stage).  Zelda, of course, is a full keeper (see's review got a 5/5 and listed as one of the best things since sliced bread and OOT). 


Wii a week to come...and LEVEL 15

Well, I've been working out the kinks with my digital camera, and I found I can record more than 30second clips if I lower the quality on it--at the sacrifice of, well, lower quality/smaller size.  I could run a series of 30s clips together I guess...All this b/c I plan to put together a few Wii videos once I get it next sunday.  Maybe I'll talk about my thoughts on the controls and such in the process...

any ideas anyone?

Oh, and I'm level 15 now "Nobunaga's Ambition", old multiplatform game where you are to unify Japan like Oda Nobunaga did way back when or some such thing.  Never played that one...I like the historical ref though...