Demo looks good. I'm excited about this one.. I also like to get the most out of my games. A harder difficulty is always good. Not to toot my own horn, but I like my games on the hardest difficulty or "Legendary" on my 1st walk through. I think that doing that makes you a threat on multiplayer.. Oh wait.. this game gets none! Unless we protest and we ask for it, just like we did with Microsoft over used games and having to be connected all the time. Thanks to social media that is... hehe
Get the hell out of Israel man. Seriously. Come here, you're kinda free to do whatever you want. You're still a slave to the government, but at least you're not a slave to goat herding religious nuts. AND you can get food stamps.
You're learning! I did that on purpose to test you. You passed! You went from dumb fatso to less dumb fatso. Congrats! Look Evil, he's learning! He used spell check!
erix43's comments