@Ha2e: The question is ... Storymode is the only thing that would complete the game? Is it worth the replay value? Arcade mode is superior than story mode in terms of replay value, game play experience from being gimmick less.
Ever notice all of a sudden many have cared of a SF fighting game without Storymode. Which is essential arcade mode or storymode? No one did get really get bother of an SF4 without storymode? The truth is many is being confused of SF arcade mode to be storymode because many are mislead. The console arcade mode has been watered down from terms because some apologist that compromised with the failure of content design in SFV.
Capcom should not think to design a game that is about casual because that is an FGC term within the community but rather about consumers that are fighting games enthusiast not role playing game consumers that expect to see content and mode like what they have from past fighting games develop by their company not by other companies with different genre of games.
SFV failed not because of the lack of storymode but the lack of arcade mode the first console main SF game without an independent standalone offline mode with good replay value, not very long matches, isn't redundant and gimmick less. In time after numerous playing CGI cut-scenes would be skipped for matches like game intro after more of a dozen seeing it, What it needs is the typical arcade mode in USF4 and SF3TS because it is essential expectation for the last decades outside the FGC.
@metallinatus: I am a fan same as you are and following every SF title development news even before capcom unity had been online I never had problems with content design of their products ever since, This is the first SF that needs to be corrected or it will die like SFXTekken that people just adopt and compromised to it's failure that sent to its demise,
It can be saved unlike SFXT that fails in gameplay mechanics that is to cash-in wallets like mobile apps or the many freemium games of today. The hype is dying but it's still redeemable before it would build a lasting wrong impression and misconception towards consumers that once SF4 managed to fix and build connection to everyone to be part of FGC. To be fair sfv had good ideas, art direction, game mechanics and set of characters but failed in implementation in the retail marketed product.
@metallinatus: were not talking about your personal perspective of worth, were talking about content design here, Those games mentioned have proven better content wise expectation of traditional consumer than SFV's state.
In fact/takenote that SF2HF success on Xbox live was the clear sign for ONO's motivation to developed SF4 vanila.
MVC3 had also good content wise design than SFV.
Were talking about games being CONTENT WISE not your personal satisfaction and preferences.
SF4 vanila even the rest i have mentioned is content wise superior than SFV plus Capcom already admit it.
Your just insisting your personal opinion infavor of Capcom lack of completeness.
@metallinatus: This is simply about Capcom, Street fighter and fighting game franchise published by capcom.
SF4 vanila, ST HD remix, SF2HF XBox live, SFAniversary Collection and HyperST, even MVC3 and TvC in vanila state had a complete content but SFV never had complete content. That why Capcom keeps on making statements for consumers to expect something else for their poor content design in SFV.
This is not base on personal opinions that I'm persisting like you do. It's like Capcom can hype and twist the apologist fans mind to win arguments towards naive consumers but not making them believe their product content is worth the purchase like SF4 vanila content because their is the feeling of something wrong with the product itself and they already admit it twice or thrice times this month that they failed content wise.
@metallinatus: They didn't, Even from the past articles, interviews and videos their lots of info and it would take alot of time to summarized, There are a lot of honest youtube reviews that give dedication for the predevelopment expectations that never been implemented.
Capcom did a good work content wise in the release of vanila SF4 even vanila mvc3. but never SFV.
l'm the one that is asking you.
I have been following Capcom's statements and interviews their given information and expectations.
So you believe that Capcom perform well and delivered the product worth 60 usd game? No they didn't
So you believe that Capcom had compromised to everything they have said in pre-development stage of the game? No they didn't
You mean it's our fault or for us to blame ourselves to trust Capcom products? No it's not us
So it would be wrong for us to "believe" and trust Capcom's word? Yes I think by now.
@metallinatus: before you assume or defend by using your personal opinion and understanding from something that accepts defeat already you need to read past articles and follow their interviews before speaking.
So you believe that Capcom did a worth 60 usd game?
So you believe that Capcom had compromised to everything they have said in pre-development stage of the game?
I guest you don't even bother to know your money worth you just adopt and compromised by just anything that is a fighting game that capcom would named street fighter and admit it to yourself that it is successful even if the company already knows it failed.
@metallinatus: See you mean it's our fault or for us to blame ourselves to trust Capcom products? So you believe Capcom did a good Job on SFV? So it would be wrong for us to "believe" and trust Capcom's word?
I think you weren't following the development scene or reading articles your just someone that speaks out of your fanboyism mentality.
@metallinatus: So now your trying to persist that everything that everyone gets upon purchased is quality of worth 60 usd? while the rest of the upcoming modes at additional dlc are just bonuses or can be also charged? and that the problem is with the consumers not into capcom's development team part?
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