Typical Xboner...trying to neglect exclusives because they are free to play. Warframe was announced for PS4 when it was in beta for PC, dumbass.
The Order 1886, Uncharted, Daylight, Shadow of the Beast. Plus whatever is announced at E3.
Plus superior multiplats. It's gotta suck missing out on so much content from Watch Dogs, Assassin's Creed and Destiny...oh yes, Destiny. And then of course, not only is it missing content, your cute little system isn't powerful enough to get the graphical fidelity PS4 gives for not only those games, but basically all games.
Keep thinking your exclusives are top shit. Hardly anyone wants an Xbone, and people didn't even give a rats hiney about TitanBot. Just in Europe, the PS4 outsold Xbone 7:1 in the month of March, despite TitanBot being absolutely free.
Ouch. Still got spanked even though they tried desperately to get you to buy their crappy console with their alleged top exclusive being free.
Hey look everyone, Tweedle Dee at Micro$oft and new King Xbone opened his trap again. It's your GameSpot Microsoft ad of the day.
Core gamers are pumped for the superior multiplats on PS4 and Sony's exclusives. Enjoy shooting those braindead bots over and over and over as we savor The Order 1886.
Oh yeah, plus this.
Killzone: Shadow Fall, Warframe, Blacklight Retribution, Resogun, Outlast and InFamous: Second Son> TitanBot, Dead Boring 3, QTE: The Game, Killer Microtransaction Instincts, yet another Forza game and...wait...does Xbone have anything else, or is that it?
Ha! Yet another wonderful reason to own a Xbox One. Now we get The Last of Us. Take that, Sony Ponies!!! Between this game and TitanFall, plus the amazing Ryse, you losers look pretty bad on your zero game FailStation 4
eternal_napalm's comments