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#1 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

I think the world should be larger but with no ****ing stupid travelling missions and pretty much no travelling. You go to one area and stay there and do missions in that specific area and just have to travel a short distance to reach a quest in that area. This would allow them to get rid of the fast-travel systems entirely and it would make the experience so much more immersive.

The town in the area you're questing becomes your home for a while and you can become friends with people, anyone, you can visit their homes for biscuits and tea (or whatever) and they might ask you for favors with the simple reward of their friendship. And you can ask them for favors in return. And not just silly rewards like discounts, but gifts. If you befriend a gladiator you can ask him to accompany you on a quest and if you befriend a merchant he might give you a precious item or repair your armour for free all the time.

The last thing I think they can realistically add to this game would be more animations and more interaction with your environment. They could add a Climbing skill and you could climb anything, cliffs, houses and... well that's all you can climb I guess. It could work like it does in Assassin's Creed, that's a beautiful system. Except in first person.

Oh, one other thing. Realistic fights, so you don't hit someone with your sword and they just flinch a little but it's about getting successful blows and piercing their defense and their armour. The same would apply to you, instead of Health you'd have to defend against blows with your shield and/or weapon and if you're stabbed in the stomach you're severely injured, if you're hit in the leg you have trouble walking etc. But maybe that would be too hard to successfully integrate.

to much and i dont like it, except realistic fights. i liked that. the whole friend thing and all i dont like, someone will but not me
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#2 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

[QUOTE="eterpay"]you can beat basicly everyone you want with the nooby counterTrickshot771

How is counter attacking in Assassin's Creed a "nooby" thing? Do you consider mashing the X button over and over to require more skill than counter attacking?

i hated how you could beat everyone, made the game boring. i dont want to assasinate someone then kill every other gaurd in town then hide.
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#3 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

1) better combat system. Not just swinging your sword around. counter attacks and ability to dodge attacks

2) build a party to help you with your quests and just to accompany you.

3) more races

4) being able to escape from guards, lose them in buildings, crowds, etc.

5)More populated towns, like assassins creed


they have 1 and 2, no comments on 3, i dunno about 4, i mean you an just become invisable or get on a horse.

5. the reason that they have depopulated towns is that each person has its own schedule. maybe more people but no where near assassins creed. which was to easy to fight. you can beat basicly everyone you want with the nooby counter


Larger variety of weapons, improved hit detection...uh..more skills.

We probably won't get to play it until 2010 or later, though.


lol usually a 2 year wait on elder scrolls game, that means 2009.

also since the beggining of the game they have had set skills and classes. changing that may not bring happy fans.

Don't be dumb. You think they can work on Fallout 3 AND elder scrolls 5 at the same time? You'll be the only one expecting it to come out next year.

lol, after getting date wrong you haev no comment,

and i was showing that thier games tend to have a 2 year wait, thier elder scrolls games. i never stated es5 will come out in 2 years

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#5 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

1) better combat system. Not just swinging your sword around. counter attacks and ability to dodge attacks

2) build a party to help you with your quests and just to accompany you.

3) more races

4) being able to escape from guards, lose them in buildings, crowds, etc.

5)More populated towns, like assassins creed


they have 1 and 2, no comments on 3, i dunno about 4, i mean you an just become invisable or get on a horse.

5. the reason that they have depopulated towns is that each person has its own schedule. maybe more people but no where near assassins creed. which was to easy to fight. you can beat basicly everyone you want with the nooby counter

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#6 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

I love this thread man! but seriously: i am a huge fan of oblivion and i thought it was a near-perfect game far ahead of its time... that's why i cant wait for another oblivion.

My question was: is there any information regarding a possible elder scrolls 5? because i haven't heard of it... and regarding the list of improvements, i think they should make the game even more lengthier because in a world like oblivion you can't get lost in long enough ;)

i doubt thier is any confirmation but ya they are probably making es5
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#7 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

More people in cities, towns, and the overall provinces.

Bigger map to explore(ability to explore all provinces)

More realistic combat system(dismemberments, more blood, maybe a bleed-out system that you lose health depending on how severe your/NPC/creature's wounds are, reaction to where and how someone is hit)

More weapons, spells, ingredients, items, etc.

you understand that they do have a limited amount of space on the game? i mean if they put all the provinces on the game, along with more weapons, spells, ingrediants, items blood and people, it would come out in 2015 and have each city about as big as a house and each province as big as city isle
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#8 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

How about a 3rd person reticle so I can shoot bows and spells accurately? Without having to kneel.

I would also like for gauntlets to have damage added to melee combat. ie:for h2h

I'd also like to be able to hit someone with a staff.

Different mount types.

Non-fugly npcs.

I want throwing weapons back and maybe a crossbow.

Get rid of fast travel.

Get rid of scaling enemies.

More user friendly UI

Better voice acting

Get rid of the gaurds ability to see a crime from a mile away... through walls.

PS- Better level design. Tamriel was great but every oblivion gate was almost exactly the same. It got old quick.


lol they have 911, thats how gaurd can see a crime. when anyone spots it

lol yeah. Not to mention that I accidentally killed a fellow gaurd during the battle for the great oblivion gate. When it was over and I had saved everyone... I got arrested for it. :(

lol ya i killed someone in that battle, but i did not get arrested.
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#9 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts

Get rid of the LEVELING system which i hate, and give you power over time, maybe rule a kingdom and an army. Not like SI where you become mad god but still can get arrested. That make no since. And Flying Mounts

maybe they should make it so only a few enemys level, like in main quest. i was level 23 before i started main quest and i was level 39 when i finished. it would be soooo boring to have them like at level 10 when i did that.
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#10 eterpay
Member since 2005 • 334 Posts
and more violence!! omg like theres barely even any blood! when i clock some dude in the face with my glass warhammer i wanna see his frickin head explode!, i wanna be able to to hack people limbs off and do sick finishing moves. and when i use flame tempest i wanna see the burns on his body!. and wtfs up with the sneak attacks!! comon lets get some sam fisher **** up in hur! or some assassin creed **** and make the h2h combat better! damn, that was just weak, u should be able to do some crazy judo **** or some bourne ultimatum **** not just the same lame punch over an over. omg this just came to me!! fighting styles!!! u would have ur blade, blunt and whatnot but then you should have different badass fighting styles so u can pull some sick soul calibur **** on ur enemies. omg and then they should have lighsabers and phasers and chainsaws and curb stomps and plasma swords and u should be able to go into bullet time and use ur dual glock 18s to waste a whole room full of **** and then u can piss gasoline on them like in postal then set them on fire and u should have the vigoorian flail from ninja gaiden and just liquefy some fool with a 20 hit combo also u should be able to dual weild those badass metal storm grenade launcher guns that fire a million rounds per minute and just level an entire city in seconds then u should have the ac130 from call of duty 4 with the 120millimeter cannon and the minigun that looks like a flamethrower when u shoot it and just fly around the world shredding every npc in the game, thats about itspencertaylor
wtf, are you high? i mean wtf? this is based in midevil times, wtf? and thier are counters in obl;ivion but wtf? i mean assasins creed was easy, u can beat 20 enemies at same times, to unrealistic, wtf?