Only listened to one song, was alright ...will listen to the rest later, got it for Kanye, not a huge fan of Jay Z though, soo... anyways I will be pleasantly surprised if it can top 'my beautiful dark twisted fantasy' ...but I doubt it, will have to wait and see (hear?)
Just watched it, sooo intense! I cant wait! This looks like tons and tons of FUNN! (rehash u say? this looks quite different from the spec ops we had last time, horde mode u say? How many games adopted horde mode and no one complained) ...the hate is getting really desperate and old, and its getting sad, if the game bothers you that much play something you enjoy, all that negativity is not good for you know, hate is hard work ...but dont mind me, keep on hating if u really feel the need to, haters gonna hate, while millions will enjoy this glorious game! Peace yo!
Consoles have taken over, but a lot of people try to deny this, not sure why. The PC's "monopoly(?)" on FPS, or even WRPGs isnt what it used to be ....I think, gotta hand it to consoles though, they've come a long way, (and most of that push and innovation into the modern state of the consoles has been by Microsoft IMO, but that's another debate in itself)
I knew this list will pop up, and honestly its weak, I used to be PC only but the times have changed and consoles have the amazing exclusives now, I want quality like Uncharted, Gears, Forza, Halo, Killzone, Red Dead ..etc ...the quality games are on the consoles ...I think ...granted PC does get a lot of indie games, but thats not what I'm looking for
After the (several) death(s) of PC gaming, it seems the new thing is the death of "PC centric" developers ...bear with me for a min ...Obsidian (dead and buried, living on past glories) ...Crytek (Dying - Crysis 2) ...Bioware (Dying - DA2 + The Old Republic will flop big time) ...Blizzard (Dying - as evident from this thread) yet "console centric" developers are alive and kicking! Just look at what EPIC Games and Naughty Dog are doing, just amazing, who's next to jump into the PC graveyard ...maybe our beloved Valve? :o
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