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evalaurstar1 Blog

Woo Hoo, I made it.

Yeah, made it past level 20, only took about 6 months :P  I thought I'd be there forever.  I'm now a ranger, my son is so proud, he loves the power rangers :P

I've been so busy lately.  Studying is taking up about 50% of my time, the kids another 50% and then there is everything else that needs to be done :?  Although I am loving it, but its exhausting.

In my freetime, I've been playing some XBOX 360, lego star wars (finished it the other day, :D:D), Burnout Revenge(great for getting all your frustration out :D) and Viva Pinata (cool game, loads of fun :lol: ).  Also trying to catch up on some tv, like CSI, just finished watching season 6, and am in the middle of Shameless season 2, love that show.

Hope everyone is keeping well and life is good.  Talk soon, Huggles :D

Farewell Summer, Hello Autumn

Been a while since I blogged.  So much has been happening.  Kids are back in school, where did the summer go :o  They are already talking about christmas :?  We had a great summer, going to the beach and some other really nice places with my mum or some or the other mum's from the school.

I registered for my home study course :?  I'll be studying to be an accountant, oh god it's going to be four years of studying :cry:  No, I'm fine, I just need to stay positive and focused :)

We bought a 360 at the weekend, our anniversary pressie to each other.  I got the new Star Wars Lego game and he got Top Spin 2 and Oblivion.

On a sad note, my neighbour died during the summer.  He had been planning on moving to Austraila with his wife and two children.  He started getting headaches and went to the doctor, who sent him for a scan which showed a bleed on the brain.  A week later he was dead.   He was only 45.  I still can't come to grips with it.  I can't imagine how I would deal with my hubby not being here to help me raise our children.  It makes you sit up and think that life is very short and can be taken at any time.

Enjoy every minute that you have and make sure you spend them wisely.

Hugs to all of you


Brain Training

Ok, so I finally decided which new console I wanted and I went for a DS Lite, don't ask me why, I don't know.  I picked the black one. :D  I like the feel of it and the graphics are quite good.  I only got one game, Dr Kawashima's Brain Training but it's my birthday next month so maybe I'll get a couple more :D

Apart from that, not much going on here.  Have spent the last few days at the beach, which was cool, the kids loved it. :D



The Week Ahead

It's not Monday yet and already I'm wishing the week away.  I have so much on this week. 

Tomorrow, I have to shop in the morning for clothes for the kids for our holidays (going Saturday week)

Tuesday, I have physio for my leg in the morning and then work in the afternoon. Plus I have dance rehearsals at 8

Wednesday is work again.

Thursday, I have to get organised for a food fair which I am organising in my childrens school.  There is 120 people coming.  I agreed to cook and dance plus organise the event.  I only have to cook enough for 20 people but I'm a bit nervous about the whole thing. :?

Then on Friday, the food fair takes place, which means spending the day in the school getting the hall ready. Once the night gets going, I'll have a few drinks and I'm sure it will all go well.  People are still talking about last years :D

On Saturday, I'm going to see Bon Jovi play in Croke Park.  I can't wait :D:D  Going to the hard rock cafe beforehand :D

Hope everyone has a good week :D

Hugs and Spanks

Why can't it be Friday

Ok, so it's only Tuesday, and I'm so tired from the weekend that all I want is my bed.  I had about 4 hours sleep total from Friday morning til Sunday night. And I danced my socks off for about 13 hours over the same time period :?

I hurt my foot also and am now limping even worse than before.  Only thing is that it's the same leg so the limp doesn't look out of place. :P

I've been playing my bro's Nintendo 64 for the last week or so, playing Donkey Kong 64, I love that game.  The kids are going round saying "oh banana" :D (only relevant if you have played it).

I got my appointment for my MRI which is not til 7th June.  I suppose it gives me time to get used to the idea.  I'm a bit nervous about it.

Yawn, think I could have a little nap, someone wake me about 5. :P

Huggles and Spanks.  Laters

Hospitals, Shopping & Ipods

So, yesterday I went to see the specialist about my knee.  It's be paining me since July last year and this was the earliest she could see me :?  Glad it wasn't an emergency :P  She thinks it's Psaorsiatic Arthritis but she wants to do an MRI  :? on it to rule out other things also.  Not sure about it but hubby says he'll come with me when I have to go so I know I'll be safe :)

After the hospital, I went into town with my mum and we went shopping, I bought a top and some socks for me,  pj's and a coat for my daughter, some trackie bottoms for my son and a CD for hubby (cause I couldn't come home with nothing for him :P)  I also bought curtains for my sitting room.  I picked them out about a year ago but I couldn't afford them but I got them yesterday, Yippee :D

When I came home, my hubby had bought me a pressie of


I had decided that I wasn't going to get a 360 cause there wasn't enough games out at the moment that I would play on it so he bought me an Ipod instead, so was playing with it all last night :D 

Hope everyone has a good rest of the week. 

Talk soon. Hugs and Spanks to all :D

Xbox 360, Wisdom Teeth and Mothers Day

My hubby's shares came through during the week and he's told me that he'll buy me a 360 :D  But I'm not really sure cause I don't know much about the games available so I'll have to have a good look now.  He bought me lemmings for the psp yesterday, I got very frustrated last night with them blasted creatures.

I had a wisdom tooth taken out on Tuesday morning cause I had pain in right side of  my face since Sunday :S  But when the anesthetic wore off on tuesday night, the pain was still there :cry:  So I got to go back to dentist on Thursday morning and I have a dry socket infection :( and am on antibiotics again. It's still sore and I think I'll have to go back again on Monday.

Tomorrow is Mother's day in Ireland, not sure about other countries, so to anyone who is a mother or a mother to be, Happy Mother's Day. :D

Hope everyone has a nice weekend and talk soon. Hugs :D

Sick, BFME, and Shaking the Shamrock

Ok, so out of the last 4 weeks there has be only one week when both the kids where in school and I was sick that week :?  I've had enough of sickness to last me the whole year, thanks very much.  And I have to bring my son to the doc's today cause we think he has a chest infection. :(  More medicine

On a plus side, I ordered BFME 2 on Friday and it was shipped on Saturday, should be here tomorrow :D. 

 My children are off for the rest of this week.  3 in-service days and then St. Patricks Day on Friday :D.  We are going to take the kids to see the national parade in the city.  I haven't been since I was a kids and my memories are ones of pure awe, seeing all the marchig bands and floats go by.  I can't wait to see their faces. :D  We are also going up north on Thursday.  My best friend lives up there and her daughter is 12 tomorrow so we are going up to give her her birthday present. :D  Should be a good day.

So, busy week, but looking forward to it, being cooped up in the house is not enjoyable when you are sick so can't wait to be out of it.  Hope everyone has a good week. Hugs and spanks and don't forget on Friday to Shake a Shamrock :P

Life is getting there and a thank you

Hi all,

First off I'd like to thank some people from AP, namely Angel, DH and Velvet, for their support in the hell that was my life last week.  Thank you all so much.  :)

I feel a bit more normal today and feel that next week can only be better than last week. :)

Have to go shopping this week for my daughters birthday present, she's six and wants a cd player for her room with a microphone so she can practice her singing.  Her favourite song at the moment is Sugababes -- push my button :P

Anyways going sign off, talk soon :D

Is it just me or has...

Is it just me or has tv gone really bad lately. Whenever I turn it on, all that is really on is repeats on old shows that most of us have seen like a hundred times already. Don't get me wrong, there are certain shows that I love rewatching, but some of the tripe being shown at the moment is unbearable, it was bad the first time and it's even worse the second or third time. I'm not naming shows cause there are too many but I sure people will agree with me and know the shows that they would watch over and over and the shows which they didn't want to watch in the first place
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