All i wanted Destiny is the "orignal" game that never came out. The story they had for the game, before they fired that "story guy" and everything went to shit.
@mogan: But they dont have difference in power? I mean, a white shotgun (primary on my destiny days) is the same as a purple (heavy) or green (energy) shotgun with the same impact? The "new weapon slots" makes no sense too me, and really put me away from destiny 2, So much that i was rooting for a Destiny 3, so i could get in again.
EDIT: All my shoguns in D2 are heavy weapon slot back in the day... they arent anymore (the D2 vanilla shottys)? I had a powerful raid exotic shotgun from calus, it is a special weapon now? I can choose wich slot i'll equip it?
@mogan: Yeah, i know, and thats why i'm not getting the DLCs, too much to chase, and so little time. Also, i saw someone with 2 shotguns and i was like WTF? I mean, if it was Universal remote would be alright, but it was 2 legenday shotyes...
I used to love D1, now D2 really f**** up the weapon system. Stop playng D2 during vanila, after i had 3x everything worth having. Last time i played (i was kinda on the fence about buyng the expasion) everyone was using weapons in the "wrong" slot and i didnt bother to figure it out. Uninstalled and never looked back.
Avoid this game like plague! Even if you are a fan of JRPGS. The musics are straight from the early 90s nintendo games. Sound effects are even worse, 8 bit effects all around. And the voice acting is laughable at best. It could be a great game, if it didnt make your ears bleed.
DQ8 for ps2 blows this out of water in every possible way.
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